IGNOU IBO 03 Solved Assignment 2020-21

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IBO 03 Solved Assignment 2020-21

Q.1 Explain the concept of balance of payments. What are the main items in the balance of payments? Describe briefly India’s current and capital accounts.

The balance of payments is that the record of all international trade and financial transactions made by a country's residents.

The balance of payments has three components—the accounting , the financial account, and therefore the capital account. Current accounts measure international trade, net on investments, and direct payments. The financial account describes the change in international ownership of assets. The capital account includes the other financial transactions that do not affect the nation's economic output.

 A balance of payments deficit means the country imports more goods, services, and capital than they export. It must borrow from other countries to buy its imports.

It's like removing a faculty loan to buy education. Your expected higher future salary is well worth the investment. within the long-term, the country becomes a net consumer, not a producer, of the world's economic output. it'll need to enter debt to buy consumption rather than investing in future growth. If the deficit continues long enough, the country may need to sell its assets to pay its creditors. These assets include natural resources, land, and commodities.

A surplus boosts economic process within the short term. There are enough excess savings to lend to countries that buy its products. The increased exports boost production in its factories, allowing them to rent more people. within the end of the day , the country becomes too hooked in to export-driven growth. It must encourage its residents to spend more.


Current Account

The current account measures a country's balance of trade plus the consequences of net and direct payments. When the activities of a country's people provide enough income and savings to fund all their purchases, commercial activity , and government infrastructure spending, then the present account is in balance.


Current Account: Deficit

A accounting deficit is when a country's residents spend more on imports than they save. Other countries lend funds or invest in, the deficit country's businesses To fund that national deficit. The lender country is typically willing to buy the deficit because its businesses take advantage of exports to the deficit country. within the short run, the present account deficit may be a win/win for both nations.

But if the present account deficit continues for an extended time, it'll slow economic process . Foreign lenders will begin to ponder whether they're going to get an adequate return on their investment. If demand falls off, the worth of the borrowing country's currency can also decline. This fall in currency value results in inflation as import prices rise. It also creates higher interest rates because the government must pay higher yields on its bonds.


Q.2 Discuss various export promotion measures adopted by the Government of India.

Export promotion measures adopted by the Government of India Export help in economic development of a rustic , by generating valuable exchange , bringing competitiveness within the existing domestic market and technology within the host country. the govt took several steps to spice up exports by adopting export promotion measures. In fact, exports became a trust area for state and efforts are made to make an environment conducive for exports. a number of the measures are as follows:

Creation of production base to make sure output is sufficiently surplus and quality oriented for exporting.

Government has came up with several export promotion schemes like Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) Scheme. The scheme liberalizes imports of capital goods needed for setting-up production bases, which might be used for manufacture of export items with fourfold CIF value items over a period of next five years, or sixfold of CIF value over a period of 8 years, at zero or 10% of duty against obligation. The Export Processing zones (EPZ) found out by the govt provide duty free competitive environment for exports. These units can import are privileged to import all kinds of products free from duty.

The government has also encouraged Software Technology Parks (STPs) and Electronic Hardware Technology Parks (EHTP) to market export of hardware and software.

Different types of duty free licenses, like advance license, advance intermediate license and Special Imprest License also are issued by the govt within the interest of Indian exporters.

On the idea of minimum average annual export performance, registered exporters are granted special status, which could in sort of export houses, star trading houses, trading houses or super star trading houses. The scheme aims to encourage exports by granting recognition of their performance and convey competitiveness amongst the exporters.

The government provides duty drawbacks, tax exemption and excise duty rebate on exports of bound to encourage exporters to export from the country. The Ministry of Commerce and Federation of Indian Export Organization (FERO) help exporters in development of overseas markets, by identifying export potential. This includes marketing research studies, fixing of auction houses, warehouses/showrooms/exhibitions, quality controlling, publicity etc.


Q.3 Describe Government’s measures for enhancing agricultural exports. How various infrastructural facilities have been strengthened?

Government’s measures for enhancing agricultural exports , Important policy measures introduced within the agricultural sector in India during the amount of designing are as follows:

1. Technological Measures:

Initiation of measures to extend agricultural production substantially to satisfy the growing needs of the population and also to supply a base for industrial development included steps to extend both extensive cultivation and intensive cultivation.

For the previous , irrigation facilities were provided to an outsized area on an increasing basis and area hitherto unfit for cultivation was made fit cultivation. For the latter, new agricultural strategy was introduced within the sort of a package programme in selected regions of the country in 1966.

To sustain and extend this programme to larger and bigger areas of the country, steps were initiated to extend the assembly of high-yielding sorts of seeds, fertilisers and pesticides within the economy and supplement domestic production by imports whenever necessary. This has made the country self-reliant, we've turned from large importer of food grains to net exporter of food grains.


2. Land Reforms:

Land reform measures to abolish intermediary interests in land and transfer of land to actual tiller of the soil were expected to be haunted on a priority basis. Measures taken under this head included:

(i) Abolition of intermediaries.

(ii) Tenancy reforms to –


3. Institutional Credit:

After nationalisation of banks in 1969, nationalised banks have paid increasing attention to the requirements of agriculture. Regional Rural Banks were also found out to deal specially with the requirements of agricultural credit. A commercial bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NAB ARD) was also found out .

As a results of the expansion of institutional credit facilities to farmers, the importance of moneylenders has declined steeply then has the exploitation of farmers at the hands of moneylenders.


4. Procurement and Support Prices:

Another policy measure of serious importance is that the announcement of procurement and support prices to make sure fair returns to the farmers in order that even in years of surplus, the costs don't tumble down and farmers don't suffer losses this is often necessary to make sure that farmers aren't ‘penalized’ for producing more.

In fact, the policy of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and costs has been adopted to announce fairly high prices during a bid to supply incentive to the farmers to expand production.


Q.4 Define services. Identify various important services being exported by India. Discuss advantages and disadvantages also in this sector.

A service business is one during which the perceived value of the offering to the customer is decided largely by the services provided to him than the products offered. This includes the business of all intangible services delivered to the customer.

Some of the tangible services where both the products and services are provided to the customer, like restaurants and supermarkets, also come under the purview of the services marketing.

The spectrum of services range between the degree of intangibility and tangibility of the offerings delivered to the user. Some offerings are clearly services like enjoyment of movie, exhibition or an athletic event.

Some of the service offerings even have the merchandise component just like the buying of contact lenses also requires proper eye examination and evaluation of the vision parameters are the offerings of the service within the process.

Marketing, on the entire , are often divided into goods marketing and services marketing. Although consistent with Philip Kotler, besides goods and services, a marketer also markets eight other entities like Events, Experiences, Persons, Places, Properties, Organizations, Information and Ideas; yet it's generally clubbed together and is widely referred to as goods and services. In marketing, services marketing essentially deals with the products, which are intangible in nature. Services are created through an immediate interaction between the service provider and therefore the customers.

A service business is one during which the perceived value of the offering to the customer is decided largely by the services provided to him than the products offered. This includes the business of all intangible services delivered to the customer. a number of the tangible services where both the products and services are provided to the customer, like restaurants and supermarkets, also come under the purview of the services marketing.

The spectrum of services range between the degree of intangibility and tangibility of the offerings delivered to the user. Some offerings are clearly services like enjoyment of movie, exhibition or an athletic event. Some of the service offerings even have the merchandise component just like the buying of contact lenses also requires proper eye examination and evaluation of the vision parameters are the offerings of the service within the process.

Services are all or mostly tangible. In some cases the physical evidence are going to be there of transaction that happened but the work done to execute the transaction are going to be tangible. the instance could also be cited of the service rendered by the Attorney in preparing the desire document of his client because the tangibility could also be seen because the physical evidence in preparing the document while the brain work done to organize an equivalent could also be intangible.

The inseparability of the customer and repair provider could also be seen on many occasions while designing and delivery of the services. this is often called as simultaneity. The services can't be stored, warehoused or otherwise kept available for sometime when the demand is high. The services also are time-sensitive as they can't be back ordered. The services are largely need-based and involved immediate attention or delivery to the customer.


Q.5 Write short notes on the following:

(a) India and World Trade

(b) Special Economic Zone (SEZ)

(c) India – CIS Trade Relations

(d) Foreign Trade of Japan


IBO 03 Solved Assignment 2020-21  , IBO 03 Solved Assignment - As explained in the Programme Guide, you have to do one Tutor Marked Assignment for each course. We are sending the assignments of all the six courses together in this booklet. Assignment is given 30% weightage in the final assessment. To be eligible to appear in the Term-End Examination, it is compulsory for you to submit the assignments as per the schedule. Before attempting the assignments, you should carefully read the instructions given in the Programme Guide. These assignments are valid for two admission cycles (January 2020 and July 2020). The validity is given below:

1. Those who are enrolled in January 2020, it is valid upto December 2020.

2. Those who are enrolled in July 2020, it is valid upto June 2021. In case you are planning to appear in June Term-End Examination, you must submit the assignments to the Coordinator of your Study Centre latest by 15th March and if you are planning to appear in December Term-End Examination, you must submit them latest by 15th September.

IBO 03 is IGNOU subject code for MCOM first year Course. All students appearing for the first-year need to submit IBO 03 assignments.

Let’s see all these six subjects-


IBO 02 International Business Management Solved Assignment 2021

IBO 03 India’s Foreign Trade Solved Assignment 2021

IBO 04 Export-Import Procedure & Documentation Solved Assignment 2021

IBO 05 International Marketing Logistics Solved Assignment 2021

IBO 06 International Business Finance Solved Assignment 2021

IBO 03 Solved Assignment 2020-21 You can Get All students of university who needs to submit assignments should download old assignments of the respective course of 2021 available above and submit at the concerned study center. The last dates will be 30th April and 30th October of every year until their registration is valid. New assignments will not be available any more for students as course was revised.

Where can I find Ignou solved assignment?

If you didn't get an Assignment Question yet then you can download it from the IGNOU Assignments section page. Just collect questions and start writing your assignment with the available solutions. IGNOU is very strict about checking of assignments submitted by students to IGNOU Study Centre.

How can we submit Ignou assignment?

Now students have to submit their assignments online to Madhyam before the scheduled date. You can submit your annual assignment through the online link. Through the online submission links issued by the university, you can submit your assignment from home.

How can I submit Ignou assignment online 2021?

The email must carry the following details of the sender:

1.     Name of the learner:

2.     Enrollment number:

3.     Regional Centre Code:

4.     Study Centre Code:

5.     Programme Code:

6.     Course Code(s) of attached assignments:

7.     Mobile number:

8.     Email ID:

How can I get first page of Ignou assignment?

The first page must include the following information.

1.     Name.

2.     Roll number.

3.     Address.

4.     Assignment number.

5.     Name of the course.

6.     Study Centre.

7.     Programme.

8.     Date of submission.


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