Participatory Method of Research
Participatory research methods are geared towards planning
and conducting the research process with those people whose life-world and
meaningful actions are under study. Consequently, this means that the aim of
the inquiry and the research questions develop out of the convergence of two
perspectives— that of science and of practice. In the best case, both sides
benefit from the research process. Everyday practices, which have long since
established themselves as a subject of inquiry, introduce their own
perspective, namely, the way people deal with the existential challenges of
everyday life.
The participatory research process enables co-researchers to
step back cognitively from familiar routines, forms of interaction, and power
relationships in order to fundamentally question and rethink established
interpretations of situations and strategies. However, the convergence of the perspectives
of science and practice does not come about simply by deciding to conduct
participatory research. Rather, it is a very demanding process that evolves
when two spheres of action—science and practice—meet, interact, and develop an
understanding for each other.
Participatory research integrates scientific investigation with education and political action. Researchers work with members of a community to understand and resolve community problems, to empower community members, and to democratize research. The methods of participatory research include group discussions of personal experience, interviews, surveys, and analysis of public documents. Topics that have been investigated with this approach include community issues such as polluted water supplies and the school curriculum, employment issues such as working conditions and unionization, and theoretical issues about consent and resistance to domination. For social scientists who question the traditions of being detached and value-free, and who seek an approach that is less hierarchical and that serves the interests of those with little power, participatory research is a valuable alternative.
research can be identified by five characteristics: (1) participation by the
people being studied; (2) inclusion of popular knowledge; (3) a focus on power
and empowerment; (4) consciousness raising and education of the participants;
and (5) political action. A precise definition should be avoided so that each
group that does participatory research can be free to develop some of its own
A focus on power and empowerment also distinguishes most
participatory research. "The core issue in participatory research is
power. . . the transformation of power structures and relationships as well as
the empowerment of oppressed people," states Patricia Maguire in her
excellent analysis of the field (1987, p. 37). Participatory researchers differ
widely in their positions on empowerment, and include radicals who try to
transform the power structure by mobilizing peasants to wrest land from the
ruling class, as well as conservatives who ignore power relations and focus on
limited improvements such as building a clinic or a collective irrigation
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