The various approaches to problem solving

The various approaches to problem solving.

The various approaches to problem solving. The theoretical models that are discussed intimately include the normal models of problem solving, Gestaltists Theories, information science and simulation , the overall solver (GPS), Wickelgren’s general problem solving strategies and Newell’s approach to understanding Problem Solving

Traditional Approaches

Traditional approaches explain problem solving in terms of principles of associative learning derived from the studies of classical and operant conditioning . The various approaches to problem solving. consistent with some theorists a private enters a drag situation with an existing complex of stimulus response associations as a results of prior experience.

The various approaches to problem solving. The matter is more likely to elicit a number of these associations than others, with a transparent implication that problem difficulty will depend upon the strength of the right association relative to the strength of other incorrect associations. The various approaches to problem solving. within the course of problem solving, the associative complex gets rearranged as some tendencies are weakened through extinction (failure) and other strengthened through reinforcement (success). The various approaches to problem solving. This viewpoint stresses the transfer of prior learning to the matter situation and to the training which takes place during problem solving.


Gestalt Approaches

The various approaches to problem solving. A different view of problem solving was proposed by the gestalt psychologists. These theorists emphasised the importance of the structure of the matter situations and thus the formation of latest combinations of old ideas. The various approaches to problem solving. They were particularly interested by how people solve problems by rearrangement of objects. The various approaches to problem solving. A documented example is that the matter described by Kohler (1925) in his book, The Mentality of Apes. Kohler hung some fruits from the very best of a cage to achieve it. The cage contained several sticks and crates.

The various approaches to problem solving. The solution trusted finding an accurate because of rearrange the objects. according to the Gestalt analysis, solving the matter required the reorganisation of the objects into a replacement structure.The various approaches to problem solving. The various approaches to problem solving. Gestaltists argued that discovering the proper organisation usually occurred as a flash of insight. Insight is that the sudden discovery of the proper solution following a period of incorrect attempts based totally unproved and error. Insightful solutions seem to occur during a flash.

Gestalt psychologists distinguished between reproductive and productive thinking (Wertheimer, 1959). Reproductive thinking entails the appliance of tried and true paths to solution. The various approaches to problem solving. The thinker reproduces a series of steps that are known to yield a workable answer by using rote memory.

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