The Only American from Our Village Summary

The Only American from Our Village

by Arun Joshi
In The Only American from Our Village Summary by Arun Joshi we've the theme of pride, guilt, arrogance, materialism, appearance, connection, identity and self-importance. Narrated within the person by an unnamed narrator the reader realises after reading the story that Joshi could also be exploring the theme of pride. Kundan Lal is pleased with his son Dr Khanna’s achievements. So proud actually that he continually talks about his son and what he has achieved to those that sleep in the village. it's going to even be important that Kundan Lal can see no wrong in his son’s actions or rather the shortage of them. The airplane ticket being an example. Kundan Lal is hoping to go to Dr Khanna in America but the ticket never arrives. Despite this Kundan Lal doesn't show any disappointment. 

Likewise when Kundan Lal is ill. He accepts that Dr Khanna is unable to go to him. Something which can leave many readers to suspect that Dr Khanna features a strong desire to place his past behind him and specialise in what he considers to be a world of opportunity, America. an area where he's recognised for his achievements and gets the merit that he thinks is owed to him. which can suggest that Dr Khanna is potentially an arrogant man.
It may even be a case at the start of the story that Joshi is exploring the theme of materialism. The gifts that Dr Khanna’s family bring with them and provides to relatives are for the foremost a part of no use to them. it's possible that Joshi is suggesting that materialism as a goal during a person’s life is additionally something which can be of no benefit to a private . If anything a private should strive for less than what they have (razors) and forgo the unnecessary (records and ties). Something which Dr Khanna’s relatives do but which Dr Khanna and his family don't . it's as if materialism is a component of the American Dream and Dr Khanna and his family are participants or chasers of the American Dream . Something which could help to elucidate on why Dr Khanna never visited his father. He may became familiar with a life-style and didn't wish to be reminded that he came from poverty. there's no sense that Dr Khanna is grateful to his father who academically could have achieved quite he did should his circumstances been different.

It is also possible that Dr Khanna doesn't wish to still speak to Radhey Mohanji because he's aware that Radhey has the potential to embarrass him as he knows such a lot about his past. A past that Dr Khanna isn't willing to explore or accept. it's as if Dr Khanna’s believes the past will effect how he appears to others. He can also believe that he won't be held within the same regard which can suggest that not only is appearance important to Dr Khanna but he may additionally have an inflated opinion about himself. 
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Believing himself to be better than others merely thanks to his education. the very fact that Kundan Lal walks across the sand with the leaves on his feet may additionally be significant as Joshi could also be suggesting that Kundan Lal is connecting together with his youth again. To a time when he was happier and didn't carry the burden of Dr Khanna not eager to be a part of his life. it's also possible that Kundan Lal is clarifying for himself his identity. Something that Dr Khanna himself also does throughout his time in America and when he returns to India. Unfortunately for Kundan being Dr Khanna’s father isn't something that Dr Khanna identifies with. A matter that's made clear to the reader by the isolationist policy that Dr Khanna has when it involves matters regarding his father.

The end of the story is additionally interesting as Joshi appears to be exploring the theme of guilt and therefore the effects that guilt can wear a private . After lecture Radhey Dr Khanna’s life changes dramatically. He begins to seem at his feet as if it reminds him of his father and the way he may haven't served him well. it's also noticeable that Dr Khanna’s work output decreases dramatically. Something which might suggest that Dr Khanna is preoccupied with something aside from with work. The encounter with Radhey actually has changed Dr Khanna’s life. Changed it to such an extent that he's not the person he wont to be.

He may have his academic qualifications and his material goods but that's all he has. Through his own self-importance Dr Khanna has considered himself to be better than others. Including his own father.

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