IGNOU Passing Marks Out Of 100: Theory, Assignments, And Project Criteria

IGNOU Passing Marks Out of 100

IGNOU Passing Marks Out Of 100 Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is one of the largest and most renowned open universities globally, offering a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma, and certificate programs. 

As a distance education institution, IGNOU provides students with flexibility in learning, allowing them to study at their own pace. However, with this flexibility comes the responsibility of meeting the academic requirements of the university, including understanding the passing marks criteria for different components of the course.

In this article, we will delve into the passing marks criteria for various aspects of an IGNOU program, including theory exams, assignments, and projects. Understanding how the university evaluates each component is crucial for students to ensure they meet the required standards and achieve academic success.

Understanding the Grading System at IGNOU

Before discussing the specific passing marks, it’s important to understand the overall grading system used by IGNOU. The university follows a grading system where students are awarded grades based on their performance. These grades are calculated on a scale of 0 to 100 and converted into a Grade Point Average (GPA).

Here’s a quick overview of the grading scale used by IGNOU:

  • A+ (Excellent) = 75–100 marks
  • A (Very Good) = 60–74 marks
  • B (Good) = 50–59 marks
  • C (Average) = 40–49 marks
  • D (Below Average) = 35–39 marks
  • E (Fail) = Below 35 marks

Thus, a score of 35 marks or below is considered a failure, and a student must score at least 40 marks to pass the course.

IGNOU Passing Marks for Theory Exams

The theory exam is a crucial component of the evaluation process in IGNOU. The university typically conducts term-end exams (TEE) for most of its programs, where students are assessed on the theoretical knowledge they have gained during their studies.

Passing Criteria for Theory Exams

  1. Minimum Marks for Passing
    • For most undergraduate and postgraduate programs, a minimum of 40 marks out of 100 in the theory exam is required to pass.
    • In certain cases, the minimum passing marks may vary depending on the specific course or program requirements, but in general, students must achieve at least 40% of the total marks to pass.
  2. Weightage of Theory Exams
    • Theory exams usually carry the highest weightage in the overall evaluation. For instance, in most courses, the theory component may account for 70% to 80% of the total marks, while the remaining marks are distributed among assignments and projects.
  3. Evaluation and Grading
    • After the theory exams, IGNOU evaluates the answer sheets, assigns a grade based on the marks obtained, and calculates the corresponding grade point. A minimum grade of ‘C’ (40–49 marks) is required to pass the theory exam.
  4. Revaluation and Retake Policy
    • If a student is dissatisfied with their marks in the theory exam, they have the option to apply for revaluation of their answer scripts.
    • If the student fails to clear the exam, they can retake the exam during the next term, as long as they have registered for the exam again.

IGNOU Passing Marks for Assignments

Assignments are an essential part of the evaluation process at IGNOU. They allow students to apply theoretical concepts in real-world scenarios, and they contribute to a significant portion of the final grade.

Passing Criteria for Assignments

  1. Minimum Marks for Passing
    • In general, a student must obtain 40% of the total marks for assignments to pass.
    • For example, if an assignment carries 100 marks, the student must secure at least 40 marks to pass.
  2. Weightage of Assignments
    • Assignments typically carry 20% to 30% of the total marks, depending on the program. For instance, some programs may allocate 30 marks for assignments, and the remaining marks will be based on the theory exam.
    • The assignment marks are essential for determining the final grade for a course, especially if the student performs well in assignments and requires only a minimal score in the theory exam to pass.
  3. Submission Deadlines
    • The university provides deadlines for assignment submission, and students must adhere to these dates. Late submission of assignments can result in penalties or the rejection of assignments, which may affect a student’s chances of passing the course.
  4. Evaluation of Assignments
    • Assignments are usually evaluated by the faculty members or program coordinators at the regional centers.
    • The evaluation process includes checking the accuracy of content, clarity of writing, and the overall presentation of the assignment. Students are encouraged to adhere to the assignment guidelines provided by IGNOU.
  5. Reevaluation of Assignments
    • If a student believes that their assignment has been evaluated unfairly or incorrectly, they can request a reevaluation. However, the revaluation process for assignments may vary, and students should consult the IGNOU student handbook for more information.

IGNOU Passing Marks for Projects and Practical Exams

In addition to theory exams and assignments, certain programs, such as those in fields like Management, Education, Social Work, Science, and Engineering, also require students to complete projects or practical exams.

Passing Criteria for Projects

  1. Project Evaluation Criteria
    • Projects are usually evaluated based on the research methodology, analysis, and presentation of findings. Projects may also require students to conduct fieldwork, surveys, or experiments, depending on the nature of the program.
    • The passing criteria for projects are similar to those for assignments, with 40% of the total marks being the minimum required to pass. For example, if a project carries 100 marks, students must secure at least 40 marks to pass.
  2. Weightage of Projects
    • Projects typically carry a significant weightage, especially in programs like MBA, MCA, or MSW. For instance, a project might account for 30% to 40% of the total marks for the course, with the theory exam contributing the remaining percentage.
  3. Project Submission Deadlines
    • Like assignments, project submissions also have strict deadlines. Delayed submission can lead to disqualification, so it’s crucial to complete and submit the project on time.
  4. Practical Exams
    • For certain programs (such as those in the Sciences or Engineering), practical exams are a part of the evaluation process. These exams assess a student’s ability to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting.
    • The passing criteria for practical exams are typically similar to those for theory exams. Students must score at least 40% of the total marks for the practical exam to pass.
  5. Reevaluation of Projects
    • If a student does not pass the project or practical exam, they may be given a chance to revise their work or retake the practical exam in the next cycle.

Final Grade Calculation and Passing Marks

The final grade for an IGNOU course is determined by combining the marks obtained in the theory exam, assignments, and projects (if applicable). Each component carries a specific weightage, and the final grade is calculated based on the cumulative marks obtained in all areas.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

  • IGNOU uses a Grade Point Average (GPA) system to determine students’ overall performance. Each grade corresponds to a certain number of grade points. For instance, an ‘A’ grade might correspond to 7 GPA points, while a ‘C’ grade corresponds to 5 GPA points.
  • The final GPA is an average of the grade points from all the courses in a particular program, with a higher GPA indicating better overall performance.


It is essential for students to comprehend IGNOU's passing grade requirements in order to effectively complete their courses. Every element, including the theoretical test, homework, and projects, is important to the final assessment. It is crucial for students to understand the relative importance of each component and make sure they receive the necessary passing scores, which usually account for 40% of the final score.

Students can increase their chances of passing and even thriving in their programs by meeting deadlines, turning in work on time, and adequately preparing for theory tests and projects. It is also crucial to keep up with any revisions regarding assessments, due dates, and passing standards by visiting the university's official website or getting in touch with program directors.

This knowledge will enable you to approach your studies with confidence and clarity, guaranteeing a successful academic career at IGNOU.

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