IGNOU Assignment Handwritten Vs Typed: Rules, Pros, And Cons

IGNOU Assignment Handwritten vs Typed

IGNOU Assignment Handwritten Vs Typed One of the biggest open institutions in the world, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) offers millions of students distance learning. IGNOU asks students to turn in assignments for a variety of courses as part of its evaluation system. 

These assignments make up a sizable portion of the final grades, and students frequently struggle with the decision of whether to turn in their work typed or handwritten.

IGNOU students frequently argue about whether to turn in handwritten or typed assignments, and the choice can be influenced by a number of variables, including submission quality, time limits, personal preferences, and university regulations. 

In this thorough tutorial, we will explain the guidelines for turning in handwritten and typed assignments at IGNOU, weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each method, and provide some advice to help you choose the best strategy.

Rules for Handwritten vs Typed Assignments

Before exploring the pros and cons of each option, it is important to first understand the official guidelines set by IGNOU for assignment submissions. These rules dictate how assignments should be presented, regardless of whether they are handwritten or typed.

1. Handwritten Assignments:

IGNOU typically expects assignments to be handwritten, especially for most undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Here are the main guidelines for submitting handwritten assignments:

  • Neatness: The handwritten assignment should be written neatly and legibly. The clarity of the text is important as the evaluator will need to read it easily.
  • Pen and Paper: The assignments must be written in blue/black ink pen on A4 size sheets. Use of colored pens or pencils is not allowed.
  • Formatting: While there is no strict formatting required for handwritten assignments, it is advisable to follow the general guidelines, like using margins, and leaving space between answers.
  • No Printed Material: Students should not print their assignments. The answers must be handwritten, and photocopies of assignments will not be accepted.
  • Submission in Bundles: Students should bundle all their handwritten assignments together and submit them to their respective study centers. Each assignment should be properly tagged with the student’s details (name, enrollment number, course code).

2. Typed Assignments:

While handwritten assignments are the norm at IGNOU, there are situations where typed assignments may be acceptable, especially for some specific courses or in the case of assignment re-submission. Here are the general guidelines for submitting typed assignments:

  • Font: Typed assignments should be written using Times New Roman font, size 12, and 1.5 line spacing.
  • Margins: The typed assignment should have 1-inch margins on all sides of the page.
  • File Format: If the assignment is typed and submitted online (for certain programs), it must be in PDF or Word document format.
  • Title Page: The first page of the typed assignment should have a title page that includes details like enrollment number, name, course name, assignment code, and submission date.
  • Printed Material: While typed assignments allow more flexibility, they should not contain any unnecessary or unrelated content. It’s essential to strictly follow the course guidelines and only provide relevant information.
  • Submission Method: Typed assignments may need to be submitted online through the university portal or printed and submitted to the designated IGNOU study center, depending on the course structure.

It is crucial to double-check the official guidelines for your particular course on the IGNOU website or through the official study materials for any specific submission rules.

Pros and Cons of Handwritten Assignments

Now, let's delve into the advantages and disadvantages of submitting handwritten assignments for IGNOU courses.

Pros of Handwritten Assignments

1.      Personal Touch and Authenticity: Handwritten assignments offer a personal touch that reflects the student's effort and sincerity. It is clear that the student has put in time and effort to craft the answers by hand.

2.      Improved Learning: Writing by hand can aid in better retention of information. The process of physically writing out answers helps the brain retain the material more effectively compared to typing.

3.      Fewer Technical Issues: With handwritten assignments, there are fewer chances of encountering technical problems like formatting issues or file corruption, which can occur with typed assignments submitted online.

4.      Flexibility: Handwritten assignments offer more flexibility in terms of content presentation. You can freely edit and rewrite parts of your answer by erasing or crossing out mistakes, without having to worry about using a computer or printer.

Cons of Handwritten Assignments

1.      Time-Consuming: Handwriting assignments can take more time than typing them out, especially for long assignments. This can be stressful for students who have a heavy workload or tight deadlines.

2.      Legibility Issues: The primary challenge with handwritten assignments is that they may not always be legible, especially if the handwriting is unclear. Illegible handwriting could affect your grades.

3.      Limited Resources: Handwritten assignments cannot be easily edited, and you may find it hard to incorporate references or citations if you’re unsure about proper formatting or spelling.

4.      No Backup: Once the handwritten assignments are submitted, there is no digital backup. If something goes wrong, such as loss of the physical copy, it could be difficult to retrieve your work.

Pros and Cons of Typed Assignments

Typed assignments are increasingly popular for certain courses or scenarios where students have the option of submitting their work in digital format. Below are some advantages and disadvantages of submitting typed assignments.

Pros of Typed Assignments

1.      Faster and More Efficient: Typing assignments on a computer is generally faster than handwriting them. You can quickly edit and organize your content without the hassle of writing everything out by hand.

2.      Better Presentation: Typed assignments offer cleaner, more organized presentations. You can easily format the text, use bullet points, highlight key sections, and include relevant citations, which can make your work look more professional.

3.      Easier to Edit and Revise: Typing allows students to edit and revise their assignments quickly. Unlike handwritten assignments, students can change entire paragraphs without re-writing the work.

4.      Digital Backup: Typed assignments, especially when submitted online, can be easily backed up and saved for future reference. There is less risk of losing your assignment due to unforeseen circumstances.

5.      Required for Online Submission: Some programs, especially those that require online submission, mandate typed assignments. Therefore, students must learn how to format and submit assignments in a typed format.

Cons of Typed Assignments

1.      Technical Issues: Typed assignments often come with the risk of encountering technical issues, such as formatting errors, file corruption, or difficulties while uploading the document online. These issues can result in the late submission of assignments.

2.      Loss of Retention: Some research suggests that typing may not be as effective as handwriting in terms of retention. Writing by hand may help students understand and remember the material better, as it forces them to process the information actively.

3.      Dependence on Technology: Typed assignments require access to a computer and internet, which could be an issue for students in areas with limited resources or those without access to a personal computer.

4.      Risk of Plagiarism: It is easier for students to copy-paste content from online resources when typing, which increases the risk of plagiarism. Therefore, students need to be cautious and ensure that their assignments are original.

Which is Better for You: Handwritten or Typed Assignments?

The decision to submit a handwritten or typed assignment depends on several factors, such as:

1.      Course Requirements: Always check the specific requirements for your course. Some courses may have specific guidelines on assignment submission. If you’re unsure, you can always reach out to your study center for clarification.

2.      Personal Preferences: Some students prefer to write by hand, as they feel it helps them concentrate and learn better. Others may prefer the speed and organization of typing.

3.      Time and Convenience: If you are running out of time and need to submit an assignment quickly, typing it out may be more efficient. Handwritten assignments can be more time-consuming, especially for larger assignments.

4.      Resources Available: Ensure you have access to the necessary tools (pen and paper for handwritten assignments, computer and printer for typed ones). Your choice might depend on what resources you have at hand.


In conclusion, a student's inclination, the course requirements, and the particulars of the assignment will all influence whether they turn in handwritten or typed assignments to IGNOU. There are benefits and drawbacks to each choice. While typed assignments appear more structured and professional and are simpler to edit and support, handwritten assignments add a personal touch and promote greater engagement with the subject matter.

Since assignments at IGNOU are graded on the basis of knowledge and effort displayed rather than presentation style, the quality of the information is ultimately what counts most. Nonetheless, students will be able to turn in their projects more quickly and in the proper format if they are aware of the guidelines and make an informed decision.

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