DU Sol 6th Sem Modern European Drama Notes and Imp Questions

 DU Sol 6th Sem Modern European Drama Notes and Imp Questions

DU Sol 6th Sem Modern European Drama Notes and Imp Questions , The study of Henrik Ibsen's "Ghosts" delves into themes of social critique and symbolism, examining how Mrs. Alving challenges societal norms and the significance of the play's title. Bertolt Brecht's "The Good Woman of Szechuan" exemplifies Epic Theatre through its use of the alienation effect, the duality of Shen Te and Shui Ta, and its exploration of morality and social issues.DU Sol 6th Sem Modern European Drama Notes and Imp Questions 

Eugene Ionesco's "Rhinoceros" employs absurdism to reflect on political climates and themes of conformity, symbolized by characters' transformations into rhinoceroses and Berenger's resistance. Dario Fo's "Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay" critiques consumer society with humor and satire, while Franca Rame's "Rape" addresses feminist themes through personal narrative. August Strindberg's "Preface to Miss Julie" offers insights into naturalism, setting the stage for the play's themes.

DU Sol 6th Sem Modern European Drama Notes and Imp Questions

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Unit 1 Henrik Ibsen Ghosts

Unit 2 Bertolt Brecht The Good Woman of Szechuan

Unit 3 Eugene Ionesco Rhinoceros


Unit 4

a) Dario Fo, Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay, trans. Lino Pertile (London: Methuen, 1987).

b) Franca Rame, ‘Rape’, trans. Gilliana Hanna, ed. Emery (London: Bloomsbury, 1991) pp. 83-88.


Unit 5 Readings

· August Strindberg, ‘Preface to Miss Julie’, in Miss Julie, trans. Helen Cooper (London: Methuen, 1992) pp. xixxv.

· Bertolt Brecht, (i) ‘The Street Scene’;(ii) ‘Theatre for Pleasure orTheatre for Instruction’; (iii) ‘Dramatic Theatre vs Epic Theatre’, in Brecht on Theatre: The Development of an Aesthetic, ed. John Willet (London: Methuen, 1992) pp. 121-28; 68-76; chart, p. 31.

· Eugene Ionesco, (i) ‘Still About Avant-Garde Theatre’ (ii) ‘Remarks on my Theatre and on the Remarks of Others’, in Notes And Counter Notes: Writings on the Theatre, trans. Donald Watson (New York: Grove Press, 1964) pp. 53-58; 59-82; (iii) Selection from Present Past, Past Present, trans. Helen R. Lane (USA: De Capo Press, 1998) pp. 77-82.

· ‘Dario Fo’s Nobel Lecture’ (Stockholm: The Nobel Foundation, 1997).

· Konstantin Stanislavski, ‘Faith and the Sense of Truth’, sections 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, Chapter 8, in An Actor Prepares (Penguin) pp. 121-5, 137-46.


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DU Sol 6th Sem Modern European Drama Notes and Imp Questions

Unit 1: Henrik Ibsen - Ghosts

What are the main themes explored in Henrik Ibsen's Ghosts?

How does Ibsen use symbolism to enhance the narrative in "Ghosts"?

Discuss the role of social critique in "Ghosts".

How does the character of Mrs. Alving challenge societal norms in the play?

What is the significance of the title "Ghosts"?

Unit 2: Bertolt Brecht - The Good Woman of Szechuan

How does "The Good Woman of Szechuan" exemplify Brecht's concept of Epic Theatre?

Discuss the duality of Shen Te and Shui Ta in The Good Woman of Szechuan.

What social issues does Brecht address in "The Good Woman of Szechuan"?

How is morality portrayed in "The Good Woman of Szechuan"?

Unit 3: Eugene Ionesco - Rhinoceros

What are the central themes of "Rhinoceros" by Eugene Ionesco?

How does Ionesco use absurdism to convey his message in "Rhinoceros"?

Discuss the transformation of characters into rhinoceroses and its symbolic meaning.

What is the significance of Berenger's resistance in Rhinoceros?

How does "Rhinoceros" reflect the political climate of Ionesco's time?

Unit 4: Dario Fo and Franca Rame

How does Dario Fo use humor and satire in "Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay"?

What are the main themes of "Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay"?

How does the play "Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay" critique consumer society and capitalism?

Discuss the feminist themes in Franca Rame's "Rape".

How does Franca Rame's "Rape" use personal narrative to address broader social issues?

Unit 5: Readings

What insights does Strindberg provide about naturalism in his "Preface to Miss Julie"?

How does Strindberg's preface set the stage for the themes explored in "Miss Julie"?

What is the "Street Scene" technique and how does it serve Brecht’s theatrical aims?

Compare and contrast "Theatre for Pleasure" with "Theatre for Instruction" as discussed by Brecht.

How does Brecht differentiate between Dramatic Theatre and Epic Theatre?

What are Ionesco's views on avant-garde theatre as expressed in "Still About Avant-Garde Theatre"?

How does Ionesco address criticism of his work in "Remarks on my Theatre and on the Remarks of Others"?

What themes does Ionesco explore in the selection from "Present Past, Past Present"?

What key themes does Dario Fo discuss in his Nobel Lecture?

How does Dario Fo's Nobel Lecture reflect his approach to theatre and storytelling?

What does Stanislavski mean by "Faith and the Sense of Truth" in acting?

How does Stanislavski’s method seek to achieve authenticity on stage?



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