DU English 6th SEM POSTCOLONIAL LITERATURE Notes and Imp Questions

 DU English 6th SEM POSTCOLONIAL LITERATURE Notes and Imp Questions

DU English 6th SEM POSTCOLONIAL LITERATURE Notes and Imp Questions , Buy POSTCOLONIAL LITERATURE Notes PDF- In this diverse and richly curated syllabus, students are presented with a tapestry of literary voices from across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, offering profound insights into postcolonial realities and the complexities of cultural identity. Chinua Achebe's "Things Fall Apart" immerses readers in the intricacies of Nigerian society, while Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "Chronicle of a Death Foretold" navigates the nuances of Colombian culture. 

Ngugi waThiongo's "The Trial of Dedan Kemathi" confronts the legacy of colonialism in Kenya, juxtaposed with Indra Sinha's innovative narrative style in "Animal’s People," which sheds light on the aftermath of industrial disasters in India. Short stories by Bessie Head and Ama Ata Aidoo, alongside M. M. Vinodini's poignant parable, offer intimate glimpses into the human condition across South Africa, Ghana, and India. DU English 6th SEM POSTCOLONIAL LITERATURE Notes and Imp Questions  , DU English 6th SEM POSTCOLONIAL LITERATURE Notes and Imp Questions 


DU English 6th SEM POSTCOLONIAL LITERATURE Notes and Imp Questions

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Unit 1 Chinua Achebe (Nigeria), Things Fall Apart.

Unit 2 Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Unit 3 a) Ngugi waThiongo (Kenya), The Trial of DedanKemathi. b) Indra Sinha (India), Animal’s People (Tape 1, 2 and 3).


Unit 4

Short Stories

a) Bessie Head (South Africa/Botswana), ‘The Collector of Treasures’.

 b) Ama Ata Aidoo (Ghana), ‘The Girl Who Can’.

c) M. M. Vinodini (India), ‘The Parable of the Lost Daughter’, in The Exercise of Freedom, eds K. Satyanarayana and Susie Tharu (Delhi: Navayana, 2013) pp 164-77.



a) Pablo Neruda (i)‘Tonight I can write the saddest Lines’(ii) ‘The Way Spain Was’

b) Derek Walcott ‘Goats and Monkeys’‘Names’

c) Mamang Dai (i) ‘Small Towns and the River’(ii) ‘The Voice of the Mountain

Unit 5 Readings

· Franz Fanon, ‘The Negro and Language’, in Black Skin, White Masks, tr. Charles Lam

· Markmann (London: Pluto Press, 2008) pp. 8–27.

· Edward Said, ‘Introduction’, in Orientalism (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978).

· Robert Young, ‘Colonialism and the Politics of Postcolonial Critique’, in Postcolonialism: An Historical Introduction (Blackwell Publishing, 2001) pp. 1-11.

· Ngugi waThiongo, ‘The Language of African Literature’, Chapter 1, Sections 4-6, in Decolonising the Mind.


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DU Sol 6th Sem Modern European Drama Notes and Imp Questions

What is the title of Chinua Achebe's famous novel set in Nigeria?

Which author wrote "Chronicle of a Death Foretold"?

What is the title of Ngugi waThiongo's work featured in Unit 3?

Who is the author of "Animal’s People"?

Which South African/Botswanan author penned "The Collector of Treasures"?

What is the title of the short story by Ama Ata Aidoo from Ghana?

Who authored "The Parable of the Lost Daughter"?

Name the poet who wrote "Tonight I can write the saddest Lines".

Which poet penned "Goats and Monkeys"?

What is the title of the poem by Derek Walcott that explores identity?

Who wrote "Small Towns and the River"?

Name the poem by Mamang Dai that evokes the essence of nature.

What is the subject matter of Franz Fanon's essay "The Negro and Language"?

Who authored the seminal work "Orientalism"?

Which scholar wrote "Colonialism and the Politics of Postcolonial Critique"?

What is the focus of Ngugi waThiongo's discourse in "The Language of African Literature"?

In which country is "Things Fall Apart" primarily set?

What cultural phenomenon is explored in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "Chronicle of a Death Foretold"?

Dedan Kimathi is a central figure in which work?

What distinctive narrative style is employed by Indra Sinha in "Animal’s People"?

What societal issues are addressed in "The Collector of Treasures"?

Which themes are prevalent in "The Girl Who Can" by Ama Ata Aidoo?

How does "The Parable of the Lost Daughter" challenge conventional storytelling?

What emotions are evoked in Pablo Neruda's "The Way Spain Was"?

What cultural references are present in Derek Walcott's "Names"?

How does Mamang Dai capture the essence of rural life in "Small Towns and the River"?

What are the key arguments presented by Edward Said in "Introduction" to "Orientalism"?

How does Robert Young approach the critique of colonialism in "Colonialism and the Politics of Postcolonial Critique"?

What implications does Ngugi waThiongo draw regarding language and literature in "The Language of African Literature"?

How do the themes and narratives of the various works intersect or diverge in the broader context of postcolonial critique and decolonization?


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