Consider This And In Our Time Poem Summary line by line

Consider This And In Our Time Poem Summary line by line

Consider This And In Our Time Poem Summary line by line-Consider This serves as an illuminating essay penned by Hemingway in 1934, serving as an introduction to his compilation of short stories titled "The First Forty-Nine." Within this piece, Hemingway imparts his philosophy on writing, emphasizing the virtues of simplicity, precision, and authenticity in storytelling.

Consider This And In Our Time Poem Summary line by line

His renowned counsel to "write the truest sentence that you know" encapsulates his belief in the potency of genuine expression. Throughout his short stories, Hemingway's minimalist prose and exploration of themes such as courage and the human condition echo the principles elucidated in "Consider This," offering invaluable insights into his creative ethos.

Consider This And In Our Time Poem Summary line by line-"In Our Time," published in 1925, stands as a seminal work in Hemingway's oeuvre. This collection of short stories and vignettes delves into the aftermath of World War I, exploring the disillusionment of the Lost Generation and the complexities of human relationships.

Hemingway's distinctive writing style, characterized by brevity, understated emotion, and employment of the "iceberg theory," permeates the narrative. Through themes of existentialism, trauma, and the quest for significance in a chaotic world, "In Our Time" exemplifies Hemingway's mastery of modernist literature, cementing his status as a towering figure in 20th-century literary canon.

Consider This And In Our Time Poem Summary

"As the hawk sees it or the helmeted airman:" - The perspective is introduced, likening it to that of a hawk or an airman wearing a helmet, suggesting a viewpoint from above or a high vantage point.

"The clouds rift suddenly - look there" - There is a sudden break or opening in the clouds, prompting attention to be directed towards something specific.

"At cigarette-end smouldering on a border" - The focus shifts to a cigarette butt burning near a boundary or edge.

"At the first garden party of the year." - The scene transitions to a garden party, indicating the beginning of social gatherings for the season.

"Pass on, admire the view of the massif" - Moving forward, the speaker suggests enjoying the sight of a large, mountainous area.

"Through plate-glass windows of the Sport hotel;" - This suggests observing the view from inside a luxurious hotel with large, transparent windows.

"Join there the insufficient units" - The speaker invites others to join in, possibly referring to the people attending the garden party or those inside the hotel.

"Dangerous, easy, in furs, in uniform" - Descriptions of the attendees, suggesting a mix of risky behavior, comfort, luxury (furs), and possibly military attire.

"And constellated at reserved tables" - People are gathered in groups at tables set aside for them, possibly arranged in a pattern reminiscent of constellations.

"Supplied with feelings by an efficient band" - The attendees are entertained by a skilled musical group, implying an emotional response.

"Relayed elsewhere to farmers and their dogs" - The experiences and emotions of the partygoers are transmitted or communicated to a different audience, perhaps rural residents and their animals.

"Sitting in kitchens in the stormy fens." - These recipients of the relayed experiences are situated in kitchens within marshy, stormy areas, suggesting a vast contrast to the luxury and leisure described earlier.

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"Long ago, supreme Antagonist," - The speaker introduces the central character, described as an incredibly powerful antagonist.

"More powerful than the great northern whale" - The Antagonist is portrayed as even more potent than a formidable creature like the northern whale, suggesting immense strength or influence.

"Ancient and sorry at life's limiting defect," - Despite their power, the Antagonist is depicted as old and perhaps regretful due to the limitations inherent in life.

"In Cornwall, Mendip, or the Pennine moor" - These are geographical locations, setting the scene for the Antagonist's actions.

"Your comments on the highborn mining-captains," - The Antagonist seems to pass judgment or criticism on wealthy mining leaders of noble birth.

"Found they no answer, made them wish to die" - The Antagonist's comments are so cutting or damning that they leave the mining-captains feeling hopeless or desiring death.

"- Lie since in barrows out of harm." - The mining-captains, overwhelmed by the Antagonist's words, now rest peacefully in burial mounds, away from harm.

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"You talk to your admirers every day" - The Antagonist has followers or admirers whom they engage with regularly.

"By silted harbours, derelict works," - These are places where the Antagonist's admirers gather, suggesting abandonment and decay.

"In strangled orchard, and the silent comb" - More desolate environments where the Antagonist's followers convene, possibly symbolic of neglect and destruction.

"Where dogs have worried or a bird was shot." - These details add to the atmosphere of desolation and violence in the surroundings.

"Order the ill that they attack at once:" - The Antagonist commands their followers to initiate an attack on something or someone.

"Visit the ports and, interrupting" - The Antagonist moves to ports, disrupting the leisurely activities of the locals.

"The leisurely conversation in the bar" - This suggests a casual atmosphere, which the Antagonist disrupts.

"Within a stone's throw of the sunlit water," - The scene is near the water, possibly indicating a coastal location.

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"Beckon your chosen out. Summon" - The Antagonist calls forth specific individuals, indicating a selective approach to their actions.

"Those handsome and diseased youngsters, those women" - The Antagonist selects certain demographics, including attractive but troubled young people and women, for their purposes.

"Your solitary agents in the country parishes;" - The Antagonist has agents or followers in rural areas who carry out their orders alone.

"And mobilise the powerful forces latent" - The Antagonist mobilizes dormant or hidden forces, suggesting manipulation or coercion.

"In soils that make the farmer brutal" - There's a suggestion that environmental factors contribute to the harshness or brutality of individuals.

"In the infected sinus, and the eyes of stoats." - This line conjures images of sickness and animalistic behavior, adding to the sense of menace.

"Then, ready, start your rumour, soft" - The Antagonist initiates a rumor, beginning softly or subtly.

"But horrifying in its capacity to disgust" - Despite its soft start, the rumor is profoundly disturbing and repulsive.

"Which, spreading magnified, shall come to be" - The rumor grows in scale and impact as it spreads.

"A polar peril, a prodigious alarm," - The rumor becomes a significant danger or threat, causing widespread fear and alarm.

"Scattering the people, as torn up paper" - The fear created by the rumor causes people to scatter in panic, likened to paper blown by the wind.

"Rags and utensils in a sudden gust," - This imagery reinforces the chaotic and sudden nature of the dispersal.

"Seized with immeasurable neurotic dread." - The people are gripped by overwhelming and irrational fear.


"Financier, leaving your little room" - The speaker addresses a financier, someone involved in financial matters, who is depicted as leaving their workspace.

"Where the money is made but not spent," - The room is where money is generated or managed but not used for personal enjoyment or expenditure.

"You'll need your typist and your boy no more;" - The financier will no longer require assistance from their typist or assistant.

"The game is up for you and for the others," - There's a sense of finality or defeat, as if the schemes or endeavors of the financier and others have come to an end.

"Who, thinking, pace in slippers on the lawns" - The imagery suggests a leisurely or contemplative atmosphere, perhaps indicating a privileged lifestyle.

"Of College Quad or Cathedral Close," - Specific locations are mentioned, typically associated with academia or institutions of importance.

"Who are born nurses, who live in shorts" - The reference to "born nurses" and living in shorts could suggest a carefree or unconventional lifestyle.

"Sleeping with people and playing fives." - More indications of a leisurely lifestyle, including socializing and recreational activities.

"Seekers after happiness, all who follow" - This addresses those who pursue happiness or fulfillment, possibly through material or hedonistic means.

"The convolutions of your simple wish," - The complexity of striving for one's desires or goals, despite their simplicity in essence, is highlighted.

"It is later than you think; nearer that day" - There's a sense of urgency or impending consequences, suggesting that time is running out.

"Far other than that distant afternoon" - Contrasting with a distant, seemingly carefree past.

"Amid rustle of frocks and stamping feet" - Imagery of a bustling and lively atmosphere, possibly reminiscent of past events or gatherings.

"They gave the prizes to the ruined boys." - A sense of irony or bitterness is conveyed here, as recognition is given to those who may have faced ruin or downfall.

"You cannot be away, then, no" - The speaker emphasizes the inevitability of facing the consequences.

"Not though you pack to leave within an hour," - Even if one tries to escape or leave hastily.

"Escaping humming down arterial roads:" - Attempting to flee, depicted as humming along main roads.

"The date was yours; the prey to fugues," - Despite attempts to escape, one is still bound to their fate, possibly succumbing to psychological fugues or disturbances.

"Irregular breathing and alternate ascendancies" - More imagery suggesting mental or emotional turmoil.

"After some haunted migratory years" - References to a troubled or unsettled period of time.

"To disintegrate on an instant in the explosion of mania" - There's a suggestion of sudden and catastrophic mental breakdown.

"Or lapse for ever into a classic fatigue." - Alternatively, a perpetual state of exhaustion or weariness may ensue.



Consider This And In Our Time Poem Themes

Wealth and its Pitfalls: It delves into the realm of finance and the pursuit of riches, revealing the negative outcomes and ultimate emptiness associated with such endeavors.

Temporal Urgency and Mortality: There's a pervasive sense of urgency and finality regarding time. The text warns that consequences will catch up sooner than expected and hints at the inevitability of mortality.

Privilege and Disillusionment: It portrays a life of privilege and comfort, yet beneath the surface lies a discontent stemming from the pursuit of happiness through materialism or hedonism.

Isolation and Disconnect: Despite outward appearances of social engagement, there's an underlying sense of isolation and detachment. The protagonist, despite wealth and influence, remains ultimately alone.

Mental Well-being and Turmoil: Mental health issues such as "fugues" and "explosion of mania" are alluded to, suggesting a state of psychological turmoil and fragility inherent in the quest for success.

Regret and Contemplation: The text reflects on past actions with a tinge of regret, evoking a sense of contemplation about missed opportunities and the passage of time.


In conclusion, "Consider This" and "In Our Time" stand as crucial components of Ernest Hemingway's literary legacy, shedding light on his distinctive writing style and thematic explorations. Through "Consider This," readers gain insight into Hemingway's philosophy on writing, emphasizing authenticity and simplicity. Meanwhile, "In Our Time" exemplifies Hemingway's mastery of modernist literature, delving into themes of trauma, disillusionment, and the search for meaning in a chaotic world. Together, these works offer invaluable glimpses into Hemingway's creative ethos and enduring influence on literature.


1. What is "Consider This"?

"Consider This" is an essay written by Ernest Hemingway in 1934 as an introduction to his collection of short stories titled "The First Forty-Nine." In this essay, Hemingway reflects on his approach to writing, emphasizing simplicity, precision, and authenticity.

2. What is "In Our Time" about?

 "In Our Time" is a collection of short stories and vignettes by Ernest Hemingway, first published in 1925. The stories explore the aftermath of World War I, the disillusionment of the Lost Generation, and themes such as trauma, existentialism, and the search for meaning.

3. What themes are explored in "In Our Time"?

Themes explored in "In Our Time" include trauma, disillusionment, the impact of war, existentialism, and the quest for meaning in a chaotic world. The collection also delves into the complexities of human relationships and the experiences of the Lost Generation.

4. What is Hemingway's writing style like?

Hemingway's writing style is characterized by brevity, simplicity, and understated emotion. He often employs the "iceberg theory," where much of the story's meaning is implied rather than explicitly stated. Hemingway's prose is known for its precision and authenticity, reflecting his belief in writing the "truest sentence" possible.



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