Discuss the surface as well as the deeper meaning of the poem Goblin Market

Discuss the surface as well as the deeper meaning of the poem Goblin Market

Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti is a sophisticated and multidimensional poem that combines social satire, allegory, and fairy tale aspects. It appears to be the tale of Laura and Lizzie, two sisters, and their interaction with goblin vendors of strange and alluring fruits. Beneath the storyline, nevertheless, is a rich tapestry of topics that includes sisterhood, temptation, salvation, and social expectations.

Discuss the surface as well as the deeper meaning of the poem Goblin Market

The Meaning Of Surface:

Goblin Market seems on the surface to be a cautionary tale about the dangers of giving in to temptation. The goblin guys symbolize the seduction of forbidden desires with their tempting assortment of fruits. The poem gives the reader a visceral experience by eloquently describing the unique and alluring qualities of these fruits. Laura's first indulgence and eventual descent into disease serve as a warning about the repercussions of giving in to forbidden desires.

Discuss the surface as well as the deeper meaning of the poem Goblin Market-The market itself is a representation of the world's alluring and frightening sides. Situated deep within the forest, its enigmatic and magical quality highlights the sly appeal of the goblin men's products. The poem's form, reminiscent of a fairy tale, and its repeated and rhythmic language all work together to create the impression of a sobering moral tale.

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The role of Lizzie, Laura's sister, on the surface, appears to be that of the virtuous and resistant figure, cautioning against the dangers of the goblin market. Lizzie's refusal to succumb to temptation, even when faced with physical assault by the goblin men, sets her up as a moral exemplar. The poem's conclusion, where Lizzie saves Laura through a sacrificial act, reinforces the surface-level moral lesson against yielding to forbidden desires.

Deeper Meanings In Goblin Market :

"Beneath the fruit stall's scented sign," as the poem suggests, lies a deeper, allegorical layer that invites readers to explore themes of redemption, sisterhood, and the complexities of Victorian societal expectations.

1. Temptation and Salvation:

Beyond a simple cautionary tale, "Goblin Market" can be seen as a narrative exploring redemption and salvation. Laura's descent into illness after consuming the goblin fruit can be interpreted as a fall from grace, paralleling the biblical story of Adam and Eve. In this context, Lizzie's journey to redeem her sister takes on a redemptive and sacrificial quality, akin to Christian narratives of salvation.

2. Sisterhood and Female Relationships:

The relationship between Laura and Lizzie serves as a focal point for exploring sisterhood and the bonds between women. Rossetti challenges conventional notions of female passivity by presenting Lizzie as an active and courageous figure. Lizzie's willingness to undergo physical and symbolic suffering to save her sister disrupts traditional gender roles, offering a nuanced portrayal of female strength and solidarity.

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3. Social Commentary on Victorian Expectations:

"Goblin Market" can be read as a social commentary on the restrictive expectations placed on Victorian women. The goblin fruit, with its forbidden and sensual nature, may symbolize societal taboos and the limitations imposed on women's autonomy. Laura's rebellion against societal norms, as represented by her succumbing to the goblin men's offerings, can be seen as a critique of the stifling expectations placed on women in the Victorian era.

4. Sexual Imagery and Feminine Sexuality:

The sensuous and vivid descriptions of the goblin fruit, coupled with the goblin men's persuasive tactics, introduce an undercurrent of sexual imagery. The poem's exploration of desire, pleasure, and the consequences of yielding to forbidden fruits can be interpreted as a nuanced exploration of feminine sexuality. Rossetti navigates the boundaries of what was acceptable to discuss in Victorian society, using allegory to address taboo subjects.

5. Religious Allegory:

"Goblin Market" incorporates elements of religious allegory, with Lizzie's sacrificial act mirroring Christian themes of redemption. 

Discuss the surface as well as the deeper meaning of the poem Goblin Market-The poem's exploration of temptation and salvation aligns with Christian narratives, offering a layered reading that transcends the immediate fairy-tale context.


The cautionary fairy tale surface story in Christina Rossetti's Goblin Market belies a rich fabric of allegorical undertones. In addition to its evocative depictions of alluring fruits and the perils of giving in to forbidden impulses, the poem explores deeper topics like sisterhood, atonement, and societal expectations. By combining subtle topics of feminine sexuality and theological metaphor with elements of Victorian convention, Rossetti's narrative challenges readers to consider the intricacies of the human experience.

Discuss the surface as well as the deeper meaning of the poem Goblin Market-The focus for comprehending the poem's complexity is the relationship between Laura and Lizzie, the sisters. Lizzie's selfless deed and reluctance to give in to temptation subvert conventional gender norms and provide a potent example of female unity and courage. With its seductive appeal, the goblin fruit comes to represent both social constraints on Victorian women and forbidden desires.

Through the use of vivid imagery, rhythmic language, and allegorical elements, Rossetti crafts a work that transcends its fairy-tale framework, leaving readers with layers of meaning to unravel. "Goblin Market" remains a timeless exploration of human nature, inviting reflection on the complexities of morality, relationships, and societal expectations.


Q 1. What is the central message of "Goblin Market"?

The central message of "Goblin Market" revolves around temptation, redemption, and the complexities of human experience. The poem serves as a cautionary tale against succumbing to forbidden desires, but it also explores themes of sisterhood, sacrifice, and societal expectations.

Q 2. How does the relationship between Laura and Lizzie contribute to the poem's depth?

The relationship between Laura and Lizzie is central to the poem's exploration of sisterhood, female strength, and sacrifice. Lizzie's active role in saving her sister challenges traditional gender roles and adds depth to the narrative, moving beyond a simple cautionary tale.

Q 3. What societal issues does "Goblin Market" address?

"Goblin Market" can be seen as a social commentary on the restrictive expectations placed on Victorian women. The goblin fruit and the consequences of indulging in it may symbolize societal taboos and the limitations imposed on women's autonomy.

Q 4. How does the poem incorporate elements of religious allegory?

"Goblin Market" incorporates elements of religious allegory through themes of temptation and salvation. Lizzie's sacrificial act mirrors Christian narratives of redemption, adding a layer of depth to the poem's exploration of moral and spiritual themes.

Q 5. What role does feminine sexuality play in "Goblin Market"?

The poem subtly explores feminine sexuality through sensuous descriptions of the goblin fruit and the persuasive tactics of the goblin men. Rossetti navigates the boundaries of Victorian societal norms, using allegory to address taboo subjects related to desire and pleasure.



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