Women in Indian politics and their role in polity

Women in Indian politics and their role in polity

Indian politics has witnessed significant progress in terms of women's participation and representation over the years. 

Despite numerous challenges and deep-rooted patriarchal norms, women in India have been actively involved in shaping the political landscape of the nation. This essay aims to explore the role of women in Indian politics, highlighting their contributions, challenges, and the overall impact they have made in the polity.

Women in Indian politics and their role in polity

Historical Context:

Women in India have a long history of political engagement, which can be traced back to the freedom struggle against British colonial rule. Prominent figures like Sarojini Naidu, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, and Aruna Asaf Ali played pivotal roles in India's fight for independence, becoming symbols of inspiration for women across the nation. 

Women in Indian politics and their role in polity-Their active involvement demonstrated the potential of women in shaping the political discourse.

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Political Representation:

The representation of women in Indian politics has seen both progress and stagnation. The adoption of the Constitution in 1950 guaranteed equal rights and opportunities for women. However, it was only in 1952 that they were granted the right to vote and stand for elections. Since then, women have gradually increased their presence in legislative bodies.

Women in Indian politics and their role in polity-The reservation of seats for women in local governance, known as the Panchayati Raj system, has been a significant step towards enhancing women's political participation. 

The 73rd and 74th Amendments to the Constitution in 1993 mandated that one-third of the seats be reserved for women in local bodies. This move has resulted in increased female representation at the grassroots level, empowering women and fostering gender-sensitive governance.

Women in Indian politics and their role in polity-National-level political representation, however, still lags behind. Despite comprising approximately 48% of the population, women hold only a fraction of seats in the Parliament and State Assemblies. As of 2021, women constituted around 14% of the total members in both houses of Parliament. This underrepresentation calls for renewed efforts to bridge the gender gap in national politics.

Challenges and Barriers:

Women face numerous barriers and challenges in Indian politics, hindering their full and equal participation. Deep-rooted societal norms, stereotypes, and biases pose significant obstacles. Traditional gender roles, expectations, and cultural beliefs often discourage women from entering politics or pursuing leadership positions.

Women in Indian politics and their role in polity-Violence and harassment also pose a severe threat to women in politics. Women politicians often face intimidation, physical attacks, and online abuse, deterring many from pursuing a career in public service. Ensuring a safe and inclusive environment is crucial to encourage more women to participate actively in politics.

Impact and Contributions:

Despite the challenges, women in Indian politics have made substantial contributions to the polity. Their presence has brought forth important policy debates and highlighted gender-related issues. Women politicians have played instrumental roles in advocating for legislative reforms addressing women's rights, education, healthcare, and empowerment.

Women in Indian politics and their role in polity-Moreover, women's representation in politics has led to more inclusive decision-making processes. Studies have shown that diverse perspectives lead to better governance outcomes. Women's involvement in politics has brought attention to issues that were previously marginalized or overlooked, leading to more equitable policies and legislation.

Examples of women making a significant impact in Indian politics include Indira Gandhi, who served as the first female Prime Minister of India. Her leadership during challenging times left a lasting impact on the nation. Additionally, political leaders such as Mamata Banerjee, Mayawati, Jayalalithaa, and Sushma Swaraj have played crucial roles in shaping regional and national politics, breaking barriers, and inspiring generations of women.


Way to go in achieving gender parity in Indian politics. Despite progress in certain areas, such as reservation in local governance, women continue to face barriers such as societal norms, violence, and harassment.

Women in Indian politics and their role in polity-Efforts must be made to address these challenges and create a more inclusive and supportive environment for women in politics. Education and awareness campaigns can play a vital role in challenging traditional gender roles and encouraging more women to participate in politics. Political parties should actively promote and support women candidates, providing them with the necessary resources and platforms to showcase their leadership abilities.

Moreover, there is a need for institutional reforms to ensure gender equality in political representation. This can include increasing the percentage of reserved seats for women in Parliament and State Assemblies, implementing stricter laws against violence and harassment of women in politics, and promoting gender-responsive governance.

Women in Indian politics and their role in polity-The presence of women in politics brings diverse perspectives, experiences, and priorities to the decision-making process. It fosters a more inclusive democracy and contributes to the development of policies and laws that address the needs and aspirations of all citizens. It is essential to recognize the valuable contributions of women in politics and create a political system that enables their full and equal participation.


Q: What is the current status of women's representation in Indian politics?

A: As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, women in Indian politics are still underrepresented at the national level. In the Parliament, women constitute around 14% of the total members in both houses. However, there has been progress in women's representation at the grassroots level through the reservation of seats for women in local governance under the Panchayati Raj system.

Q: What are the challenges faced by women in Indian politics?

A: Women in Indian politics face several challenges. These include societal norms and stereotypes that discourage women from participating in politics, violence and harassment targeting women politicians, traditional gender roles, and cultural beliefs that limit women's political engagement. These barriers hinder their full and equal participation in the political arena.

Q: What impact have women made in Indian politics?

A: Women in Indian politics have made significant contributions to the polity. Their presence has brought attention to gender-related issues and led to important policy debates. Women politicians have advocated for legislative reforms addressing women's rights, education, healthcare, and empowerment. Moreover, their involvement has resulted in more inclusive decision-making processes, leading to better governance outcomes and more equitable policies.

Q: What can be done to promote women's participation in Indian politics?

A: To promote women's participation in Indian politics, various measures can be taken. These include implementing stricter laws against violence and harassment of women in politics, increasing the percentage of reserved seats for women in Parliament and State Assemblies, promoting gender-responsive governance, and actively encouraging women candidates through political party support and resources. Education and awareness campaigns can also challenge traditional gender roles and inspire more women to engage in politics.


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