What is the Kalasa-Banduri project? Status and Updates

 The Kalasa-Banduri project has gained significant attention due to its potential to alleviate the water scarcity issues faced by the drought-prone regions of northern Karnataka. It involves constructing canals and reservoirs to divert water from the Mahadayi River and distribute it to the districts of Belagavi, Dharwad, and Gadag.

What is the Kalasa-Banduri project? Status and Updates

  • The project involves the construction of dams and a canal system to divert water from the Mahadayi River, located in Goa, to the Malaprabha River (a tributary of Krishna river) basin in Karnataka.
  • The main goal of the project is to meet the drinking water needs of the districts of Belagavi, Dharwad, Bagalkot, and Gadag in Karnataka.
  • The project was proposed by the Karnataka Government in the 1980s, but faced opposition from the state of Goa

Historical Background

The Mahadayi River has been a crucial water source for Karnataka and Goa for centuries. The Kalasa-Banduri project was initially proposed in the 1980s to meet the growing water demands of northern Karnataka. However, disagreements and disputes between Karnataka and Goa over sharing the river water delayed its implementation for several decades.

Water Scarcity in Northern Karnataka

Northern Karnataka, comprising districts like Belagavi, Dharwad, and Gadag, has been grappling with acute water scarcity issues. The region largely depends on rain-fed agriculture, and insufficient rainfall coupled with limited water resources has resulted in drought-like conditions. Farmers, in particular, have suffered immensely due to inadequate water for irrigation.

About Project

The Kalasa-Banduri project involves the construction of two canals: the Kalasa canal and the Banduri canal. These canals will divert water from the Mahadayi River and transport it to the reservoirs in the drought-prone regions. The water will then be distributed through an intricate network of pipelines to cater to the agricultural and domestic water needs of the local population.

The Kalasa-Banduri project is a significant water diversion initiative undertaken by the Government of Karnataka in India. It aims to address the water scarcity issues faced by the arid regions of northern Karnataka by diverting water from the Mahadayi River, also known as the Mandovi River, which flows through the state.

Controversies and Disputes

The project has faced several controversies and legal battles between Karnataka and Goa. Goa, which lies downstream of the Mahadayi River, has raised concerns about the potential impact on its water supply, ecosystems, and tourism industry. The dispute over sharing the river water is yet to be fully resolved, and it has caused delays and uncertainty regarding the project's implementation.

Environmental Concerns

Environmentalists have expressed concerns about the ecological impact of the Kalasa-Banduri project. The diversion of river water could alter the natural flow and affect the river's ecosystem, including aquatic life and vegetation. It is essential to carefully assess and mitigate these potential environmental consequences to maintain the ecological balance of the region. What is the Kalasa-Banduri project? Status and Updates

Benefits of the Kalasa-Banduri Project

If successfully implemented, the Kalasa-Banduri project can bring numerous benefits to the water-starved regions of northern Karnataka. 

The project aims to enhance agricultural productivity by providing a reliable irrigation system, thus improving the livelihoods of farmers. It will also address the drinking water needs of the local population and promote overall socio-economic development in the region.

Progress and Challenges

Despite the ongoing disputes, some progress has been made towards the implementation of the Kalasa-Banduri project. Feasibility studies, environmental impact assessments, and public consultations have taken place to evaluate the project's viability and address concerns. However, the legal complexities and disagreements between Karnataka and Goa continue to pose challenges to its timely execution.

Future Implications

The successful completion of the Kalasa-Banduri project could set a precedent for water-sharing agreements between states facing similar challenges. It may encourage collaborative efforts and negotiations to resolve inter-state water disputes and ensure the equitable distribution of water resources. The project's outcome will significantly impact the lives of people in northern Karnataka and the approach to managing water scarcity in the region.


1. Is the Kalasa-Banduri project only for irrigation purposes?

No, apart from irrigation, the project aims to fulfill the drinking water needs of the local population and promote overall socio-economic development in the region.

2. What is the current status of the project?

The project is still facing legal battles and disputes between Karnataka and Goa. Its implementation has been delayed, and progress has been slow.

3. How will the project impact the environment?

The project's diversion of river water may have environmental consequences, affecting the river's ecosystem and aquatic life. Proper environmental assessments and mitigation measures are crucial to minimize these impacts.

4. Are there any alternative solutions to address water scarcity in northern Karnataka?

Exploring water conservation methods, rainwater harvesting, and watershed management initiatives can complement large-scale projects like Kalasa-Banduri and help in sustainable water resource management.

5. Where can I find more information about the Kalasa-Banduri project?

For more information about the project, you can visit the official government websites or refer to reputable news sources covering the topic.



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