Tughlaq Dynasty History , Rulers and Who was the last ruler of tughlaq dynasty

Tughlaq Dynasty History , Rulers and Who was the last ruler of tughlaq dynasty, Tughlaq Dynasty History, Founder, Rulers List, and Decline of the Tughlaq Dynasty, Tughlaq Dynasty – Delhi Sultanate (UPSC Notes), How many rulers are there in Tughlaq dynasty? Tughlaq Dynasty (1320 - 1414 AD) - Medieval India History, Tughlaq Dynasty: Decline & Last Ruler, The Tughlaq Dynasty, also known as the Tughluq Dynasty, was a significant ruling dynasty in medieval India. It held power over the Delhi Sultanate from 1320 to 1413 CE. The dynasty was founded by Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq and witnessed the rule of several prominent rulers.

Tughlaq Dynasty History, Founder, Rulers List, and Decline of the Tughlaq Dynasty

Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, a Turkish slave, ascended to power after the assassination of Sultan Kaiqubad. In 1320 CE, he established the Tughlaq Dynasty and became its first ruler. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq introduced various administrative reforms and implemented the "token currency" system, aiming to strengthen the economy of the kingdom. His reign saw the consolidation of power and territorial expansion of the Delhi Sultanate.

Muhammad bin Tughlaq, the son of Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, succeeded his father and became the second ruler of the dynasty. He is known for his ambitious and often controversial decisions. One of his most famous actions was the shifting of the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad in present-day Maharashtra. However, this decision proved to be highly impractical and caused immense hardships to the people. Muhammad bin Tughlaq also faced challenges in governance, and his reign was marked by unrest and discontent among the subjects.

Firoz Shah Tughlaq, the third ruler of the dynasty, made significant contributions to art, architecture, and governance. He constructed numerous buildings, including mosques, palaces, and irrigation systems. Firoz Shah Tughlaq's reign is considered a period of stability and prosperity for the Tughlaq Dynasty. He also established hospitals, encouraged trade, and implemented agrarian reforms to improve the lives of the people. Tughlaq Dynasty – Delhi Sultanate (UPSC Notes), How many rulers are there in Tughlaq dynasty? Tughlaq Dynasty (1320 - 1414 AD) - Medieval India History, Tughlaq Dynasty: Decline & Last Ruler

However, the Tughlaq Dynasty faced various challenges that led to its decline. Succession issues and factionalism emerged after the death of Firoz Shah Tughlaq, resulting in frequent changes in rulership. The lack of a clear succession plan weakened the dynasty and created internal conflicts. Moreover, external invasions and territorial losses further weakened the kingdom. The devastating impact of the Black Death, economic instability, and revolts from provincial governors also contributed to the decline of the Tughlaq Dynasty.

By the early 15th century, the Tughlaq Dynasty had lost its grip on power, and in 1413 CE, it came to an end. Despite its eventual decline, the dynasty left a lasting impact on Indian history. Its architectural marvels, administrative reforms, and cultural developments remain significant contributions to the heritage of the Delhi Sultanate and medieval India as a whole. Tughlaq Dynasty – Delhi Sultanate (UPSC Notes), How many rulers are there in Tughlaq dynasty? Tughlaq Dynasty (1320 - 1414 AD) - Medieval India History, Tughlaq Dynasty: Decline & Last Ruler\

Tughlaq Dynasty Rulers List

Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq (1320-1325 CE):

Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq founded the Tughlaq Dynasty and became its first ruler. He introduced administrative reforms and implemented the "token currency" system.

Muhammad bin Tughlaq (1325-1351 CE):

Muhammad bin Tughlaq succeeded his father, Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, and became the second ruler of the dynasty. His reign was marked by ambitious decisions, including the shifting of the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad.

Firoz Shah Tughlaq (1351-1388 CE):

Firoz Shah Tughlaq, the third ruler of the dynasty, is considered one of its most prominent rulers. He made significant contributions to architecture, governance, and welfare measures.

Firoz Shah Tughlaq, who ruled from 1351 to 1388 CE, was one of the most notable rulers of the Tughlaq Dynasty in the Delhi Sultanate.

Here are some facts about Firoz Shah Tughlaq:

Architectural Contributions: Firoz Shah Tughlaq is renowned for his architectural projects. He constructed numerous buildings and monuments, including mosques, palaces, canals, and public works. The most famous among them is the Firoz Shah Kotla, a fortress located in present-day Delhi.

Patronage of Learning and Culture: Firoz Shah Tughlaq was a patron of learning and culture. He established several educational institutions, including the Madrasa-i-Firoz Shahi, which promoted education in various fields, including theology, philosophy, and sciences. Firoz Shah Tughlaq also encouraged the translation of important works from Arabic to Persian.

Agrarian Reforms: Firoz Shah Tughlaq implemented agrarian reforms to improve agricultural practices and boost agricultural productivity. He introduced measures to regulate irrigation, construct dams, and promote reclamation of wasteland. These initiatives aimed to enhance agricultural output and welfare.

Public Welfare Measures: Firoz Shah Tughlaq was known for his concern for the welfare of his subjects. He established hospitals, dispensaries, and rest houses for travelers. He also initiated the construction of wells, tanks, and sarais (caravanserais) for the convenience and well-being of the public.

Development of Infrastructure: Firoz Shah Tughlaq focused on the development of infrastructure within his kingdom. He undertook the construction and repair of roads, bridges, and canals, facilitating trade and communication across different regions of the empire.

Coinage Reforms: Firoz Shah Tughlaq introduced significant reforms in the coinage system. He issued his own currency, including gold, silver, and copper coins, which bore inscriptions highlighting his titles and achievements. The introduction of new coinage helped stabilize the economy and facilitated trade within the empire.

Compilation of Historical Records: Firoz Shah Tughlaq had a keen interest in history. He undertook the task of compiling historical record and commissioned the writing of the Futuhat-i-Firoz Shahi, a historical account of his reign and the events of his time. This work provides valuable insights into the political and social aspects of the Tughlaq Dynasty.

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Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq II (1388-1389 CE):

Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq II, also known as Taghluq Shah, ascended the throne after the death of Firoz Shah Tughlaq. His reign was short-lived and marked by internal conflicts.

Abu Bakr Shah (1389-1390 CE):

Abu Bakr Shah, the son of Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq II, briefly ruled over the Tughlaq Dynasty. His reign was also plagued by power struggles and instability.

Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah Tughlaq (1390-1394 CE):

Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah Tughlaq, another son of Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq II, became the ruler after the death of Abu Bakr Shah. His reign witnesed conflicts and invasions.

Here are some facts about Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah Tughlaq:

Accession to the Throne: Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah Tughlaq ascended the throne after the death of his brother, Abu Bakr Shah, in 1390 CE. He became the ruler of the Tughlaq Dynasty during a period of political instability and internal conflicts.

Military Campaigns: Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah Tughlaq faced several military challenges during his reign. He had to deal with external invasions, particularly from the Timurid Empire led by Timur (Tamerlane). Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah Tughlaq resisted the Timurid invasion but eventually had to pay tribute to avoid further conflicts.

Revolts and Rebellion: Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah Tughlaq also faced revolts and rebellions from regional governors and local nobles. These uprisings were a result of discontent with the central authority and a desire for greater autonomy. Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah Tughlaq struggled to suppress these revolts and maintain control over the empire.

Patronage of Literature and Art: Despite the challenges faced during his reign, Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah Tughlaq had a keen interest in literature and art. He patronized poets, scholars, and artists, contributing to the cultural and intellectual development of his kingdom.

Architectural Contributions: Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah Tughlaq undertook architectural projects, including the construction of mosques, tombs, and palaces. One of his notable architectural endeavors is the Atala Masjid in Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh, known for its intricate designs and craftsmanship.

Decline of the Dynasty: Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah Tughlaq's reign was marked by continued decline and fragmentation of the Tughlaq Dynasty. The empire faced territorial losses, internal conflicts, and challenges from other regional powers, all of which contributed to the decline of the dynasty.

Succession and the End of the Dynasty: Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah Tughlaq was succeeded by his brother, Nasiruddin Nusrat Shah Tughlaq, in 1394 CE. Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah's reign marked one of the final chapters in the history of the Tughlaq Dynasty, which eventually came to an end in 1413 CE with the downfall of Nasiruddin Muhammad Shah Tughlaq.

Nasiruddin Nusrat Shah Tughlaq (1394-1395 CE):

Nasiruddin Nusrat Shah Tughlaq, the brother of Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah, briefly held the throne. His reign was marked by challenges and a lack of stability.

Mahmud Shah Tughlaq (1394-1412 CE):

Mahmud Shah Tughlaq, another brother of Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah, ruled for a significant period. His reign saw territorial losses and continued decline of the dynasty.

Nasiruddin Muhammad Shah Tughlaq (1412-1413 CE):

 Nasiruddin Muhammad Shah Tughlaq, the son of Mahmud Shah Tughlaq, became the last ruler of the Tughlaq Dynasty. His reign marked the end of the dynasty in 1413 CE.

Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq: The Founder

Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, a Turkish slave of the Khalji dynasty, rose to power after the assassination of Sultan Kaiqubad. In 1320 CE, he established the Tughlaq Dynasty and became the first ruler. He was known for his administrative reforms, including the introduction of the 'token currency' system, which aimed to strengthen the economy. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq's reign witnessed the consolidation of power and expansion of the Delhi Sultanate.

Reign of Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Muhammad bin Tughlaq succeeded his father, Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, and became the second ruler of the Tughlaq Dynasty. His reign was marked by several ambitious projects and experiments, but it also faced numerous challenges. Muhammad bin Tughlaq is famously known for shifting the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad, which caused immense hardships to the people. Despite his intentions to centralize power and implement administrative reforms, his decisions often led to unrest and discontent among his subjects.

Firoz Shah Tughlaq: Contributions and Achievements

Firoz Shah Tughlaq, the third ruler of the dynasty, played a crucial role in the development of architecture, public works, and governance. He constructed several buildings, including mosques, palaces, and irrigation systems. Firoz Shah Tughlaq also established hospitals, encouraged trade, and implemented agrarian reforms to improve the lives of his subjects. His reign is considered a period of stability and prosperity in the Tughlaq Dynasty.

Tughlaq Dynasty Last Ruler

The last ruler of the Tughlaq Dynasty, which ruled over the Delhi Sultanate from 1320 to 1413 CE, was Nasiruddin Muhammad Shah Tughlaq. He ascended the throne in 1412 CE and his reign marked the final chapter of the dynasty's rule.

Nasiruddin Muhammad Shah Tughlaq was the son of Mahmud Shah Tughlaq, who was one of the previous rulers of the dynasty. However, his reign was short-lived as the Tughlaq Dynasty was already facing significant challenges and was in a state of decline.

During Nasiruddin Muhammad Shah Tughlaq's rule, the dynasty faced internal conflicts, external invasions, and territorial losses. The Tughlaq Dynasty had already lost much of its power and influence by this time, and the kingdom was fragmented and weakened.

Ultimately, in 1413 CE, the Tughlaq Dynasty came to an end with the downfall of Nasiruddin Muhammad Shah Tughlaq. This marked the conclusion of a dynasty that had once held significant control and influence over the Delhi Sultanate. The decline of the Tughlaq Dynasty paved the way for the rise of other regional powers in medieval India.

Succession Issues and Factionalism

After the death of Firoz Shah Tughlaq, the Tughlaq Dynasty faced internal conflicts and struggles for power. The lack of a clear succession plan led to the rise of different factions, resulting in frequent changes in rulership. This internal strife weakened the dynasty and paved the way for external invasions and territorial losses.

Factors Leading to the Decline of the Tughlaq Dynasty

Several factors contributed to the decline of the Tughlaq Dynasty. The constant factionalism, succession disputes, and weak rulership created a power vacuum that invited invasions from neighboring kingdoms. The dynasty also faced challenges such as the devastating impact of the Black Death, economic instability, and revolts from provincial governors. These factors collectively led to the decline of the Tughlaq Dynasty, ultimately resulting in its downfall in 1413 CE.

Here is a list of factors that contributed to the decline of the dynasty:

Factionalism and Succession Issues: The Tughlaq Dynasty witnessed internal conflicts and struggles for power among different factions. The lack of a clear succession plan led to frequent changes in rulership, creating instability and weakening the dynasty's authority.

Weak Rulership: Some of the later rulers of the Tughlaq Dynasty lacked the leadership qualities and administrative capabilities of their predecessors. Weak rulers were unable to effectively govern and maintain control over the vast territories of the Delhi Sultanate, leading to a loss of power and influence.

External Invasions: The Tughlaq Dynasty faced invasions and attacks from neighboring kingdoms and external forces. These invasions, such as the attacks by the Mongols and the Timurid Empire, further weakened the dynasty and contributed to its decline.

Economic Instability: The Tughlaq Dynasty faced economic challenges, including issues with the implementation of the "token currency" system initiated by Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq. This caused economic instability and affected trade and commerce within the kingdom.

Black Death: The devastating impact of the Black Death, a deadly pandemic that swept through the region during the 14th century, had a severe impact on the Tughlaq Dynasty. The loss of a significant portion of the population and the ensuing social and economic disruptions weakened the dynasty further.

Revolts from Provincial Governors: The Tughlaq Dynasty experienced revolts and uprisings from provincial governors who sought to assert their independence and challenge the central authority. These revolts not only fragmented the empire but also drained the resources and strength of the dynasty.

Social Unrest and Discontent: The policies and decisions of some Tughlaq rulers, such as Muhammad bin Tughlaq's capital shift, caused widespread unrest and discontent among the populace. The people suffered from the arbitrary and impractical measures implemented by the rulers, further eroding the dynasty's support and stability.


The Tughlaq Dynasty left a lasting impact on the history of medieval India. From Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq's administrative reforms to Firoz Shah Tughlaq's architectural contributions, the dynasty witnessed moments of prosperity and cultural development. However, internal conflicts, succession issues, and external invasions took their toll on the dynasty, leading to its decline. Tughlaq Dynasty History, Founder, Rulers List, and Decline of the Tughlaq Dynasty.

Despite its eventual downfall, the Tughlaq Dynasty remains an important chapter in India's rich historical tapestry.


1. Who founded the Tughlaq Dynasty?

Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, a Turkish slave, founded the Tughlaq Dynasty in 1320 CE.

2. What were some of Muhammad bin Tughlaq's famous decisions?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq famously shifted the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad and introduced administrative reforms.

3. What were the major contributions of Firoz Shah Tughlaq?

Firoz Shah Tughlaq is known for his architectural projects, public works, and agrarian reforms.

4. What factors led to the decline of the Tughlaq Dynasty?

Internal conflicts, weak rulership, invasions, and economic instability were among the factors that contributed to the decline of the dynasty.

5. Who was the last ruler of tughlaq dynasty

The last ruler of the Tughlaq Dynasty was Nasiruddin Muhammad Shah Tughlaq. He ascended the throne in 1412 CE and ruled until the dynasty's decline and end in 1413 CE. Nasiruddin Muhammad Shah Tughlaq was the son of Mahmud Shah Tughlaq, who was one of the previous rulers of the dynasty. However, his reign was short-lived, and he marked the final chapter of the Tughlaq Dynasty's rule over the Delhi Sultanate.

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