Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with damping

Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with damping

A simple pendulum is a classic physics system consisting of a mass attached to a string or rod of negligible mass. In the absence of any external forces, a simple pendulum oscillates back and forth around its equilibrium position due to the force of gravity. 

However, in real-world scenarios, there are often additional factors to consider, such as damping caused by air resistance or friction. In this derivation, we will derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with damping.

Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with damping

Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with damping-Let's consider a simple pendulum with a bob of mass "m" and length "L." The bob is subjected to the force of gravity, which can be decomposed into two components: one along the radial direction (towards the equilibrium position) and the other tangential to the pendulum's motion.

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To begin, we need to define our coordinate system. Let's use the angle "θ" as the generalized coordinate, which represents the angular displacement of the pendulum from its equilibrium position. The positive direction for θ is anti-clockwise, and the equilibrium position corresponds to θ = 0.

The gravitational force along the radial direction can be calculated as: F_radial = -m * g * sin(θ), where "g" is the acceleration due to gravity.

Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with damping-The tangential component of the gravitational force provides the restoring force for the pendulum's oscillations. It can be calculated as: F_tangential = -m * g * θ.

Now, let's introduce the damping force, which is proportional to the pendulum's velocity. We'll assume that the damping force is given by: F_damping = -c * θ', where "c" is the damping coefficient, and θ' is the angular velocity of the pendulum.

Applying Newton's second law to the pendulum, we have: m * L * θ'' = -m * g * sin(θ) - m * g * θ - c * θ'.

Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with damping-Here, θ'' represents the second derivative of θ with respect to time, which is the angular acceleration.

Dividing both sides of the equation by "m * L," we get: θ'' + (g/L) * sin(θ) + (g/L) * θ + (c/(m * L)) * θ' = 0.

Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with damping-We can simplify this equation further by introducing two new parameters: ω_0 = √(g/L), which represents the natural frequency of the undamped pendulum, and β = (c/(2 * m * L)), which represents the damping coefficient per unit mass.

Rewriting the equation using these parameters, we obtain: θ'' + 2 * β * θ' + ω_0^2 * sin(θ) + ω_0^2 * θ = 0.

This is the equation of motion for a simple pendulum with damping. However, it is a nonlinear differential equation due to the presence of the sin(θ) term.

In the case of small oscillations (where sin(θ) ≈ θ), we can approximate the equation as: θ'' + 2 * β * θ' + ω_0^2 * θ = 0.

Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with damping-This approximation allows us to solve the equation more easily. Assuming a solution of the form θ = A * e^(λt), where A is the amplitude and λ is a constant, we can substitute it into the equation to obtain a characteristic equation: λ^2 + 2 * β * λ + ω_0^2 = 0.

Solving this quadratic equation for λ, we find two possible solutions: λ = -β ± √(β^2 - ω_0^2).

The nature of the solution depends on the discriminant (β^2 - ω_0^2). There are three cases:

Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with damping-Overdamped Case (β^2 > ω_0^2): The pendulum motion is heavily damped, and the bob gradually returns to the equilibrium position without oscillating.

Critically Damped Case (β^2 = ω_0^2): The pendulum motion is critically damped, meaning it returns to the equilibrium position as quickly as possible without oscillating.

Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with damping-Underdamped Case (β^2 < ω_0^2): The pendulum motion is underdamped, resulting in oscillatory behavior with a decaying amplitude.

The specific solutions for θ(t) will depend on the type of damping and the initial conditions of the pendulum.

We derived the equation of motion for a simple pendulum with damping, which is given by: θ'' + 2 * β * θ' + ω_0^2 * sin(θ) + ω_0^2 * θ = 0.

Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with damping-This equation provides a framework to study the behavior of a simple pendulum in the presence of damping and can be further analyzed to determine the motion and stability of the system based on the given initial conditions.


We have derived the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with damping. By considering the forces acting on the pendulum, including gravity and damping, we obtained a nonlinear differential equation that governs the motion of the pendulum. 

Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with damping-We introduced the natural frequency and damping coefficient to simplify the equation and discussed the three possible cases: overdamped, critically damped, and underdamped. The specific solutions for the angular displacement θ(t) will depend on the initial conditions and the type of damping present. 

Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with damping-Understanding the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with damping allows us to analyze and predict its behavior in real-world situations, where factors like air resistance or friction influence its motion.


Q: What is a simple pendulum?

A: A simple pendulum is a physics system consisting of a mass attached to a string or rod of negligible mass. It swings back and forth under the influence of gravity, oscillating around its equilibrium position.

Q: What are the forces acting on a simple pendulum?

A: The main forces acting on a simple pendulum are the force of gravity and any damping forces. The force of gravity provides the restoring force for the pendulum's oscillations, while damping forces, such as air resistance or friction, oppose the motion and cause energy dissipation.

Q: How is damping included in the equations of motion?

A: Damping is incorporated into the equations of motion for a simple pendulum through a damping force term. The damping force is typically proportional to the velocity of the pendulum and acts in the opposite direction of the motion. The magnitude of the damping force depends on the damping coefficient and the velocity of the pendulum.

Q: What are the three cases of damping in a simple pendulum?

A: The three cases of damping in a simple pendulum are overdamped, critically damped, and underdamped. In the overdamped case, the pendulum motion is heavily damped, and it returns to the equilibrium position without oscillating. In the critically damped case, the motion returns to the equilibrium position as quickly as possible without oscillating. In the underdamped case, the pendulum exhibits oscillatory behavior with a decaying amplitude.

Q: Why is studying the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with damping important?

A: Studying the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with damping allows us to understand and predict the behavior of real-world pendulum systems. Damping is a common phenomenon that affects the motion of pendulums, and analyzing its effects helps in designing and optimizing pendulum-based devices and systems, such as clocks, seismometers, and swinging rides. Additionally, the study of damped pendulums contributes to our understanding of oscillatory systems and their response to external forces.


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