What is the role of the Parliament and state legislatures in the Indian political system, and how do they function

What is the role of the Parliament and state legislatures in the Indian political system, and how do they function

The Indian political system is a parliamentary democracy, which means that the Parliament and state legislatures play crucial roles in the governance of the country. 

The Parliament, consisting of the President and two houses—the Lok Sabha (House of the People) and the Rajya Sabha (Council of States)—is responsible for enacting laws, representing the people, and overseeing the executive branch. 

Similarly, state legislatures perform similar functions at the state level. In this essay, we will delve into the role of the Parliament and state legislatures in the Indian political system, as well as how they function.

What is the role of the Parliament and state legislatures in the Indian political system, and how do they function

What is the role of the Parliament and state legislatures in the Indian political system, and how do they function:-The Parliament of India, located in New Delhi, is the supreme legislative body of the country. It is bicameral in nature, comprising two houses—the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. Let us start by examining the role and functioning of the Lok Sabha.

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What is the role of the Parliament and state legislatures in the Indian political system, and how do they function:-The Lok Sabha, or the House of the People, is the lower house of the Parliament and represents the voice of the people. The members of the Lok Sabha, known as Members of Parliament (MPs), are elected directly by the citizens of India through a system of universal adult suffrage. 

The Lok Sabha has a maximum strength of 552 members, with 530 members representing the states and 20 members representing the union territories. Additionally, the President of India can nominate two members from the Anglo-Indian community if they are not adequately represented.

What is the role of the Parliament and state legislatures in the Indian political system, and how do they function:-The primary functions of the Lok Sabha include legislating, representing the interests of the people, and exercising control over the executive branch. 

The Lok Sabha has the power to introduce, debate, and pass bills, which are proposals for new laws or amendments to existing laws. The members of the Lok Sabha discuss and deliberate on various issues concerning the nation, such as social, economic, and political matters. They also provide a platform for the representation of diverse viewpoints and interests.

The Lok Sabha plays a critical role in ensuring accountability and oversight of the executive branch. The members can ask questions and seek clarifications from the government regarding its policies, decisions, and actions. The ministers are obliged to answer these questions and provide necessary information to the members. This mechanism is known as the Question Hour and is an essential part of parliamentary democracy, allowing elected representatives to scrutinize the functioning of the government.

What is the role of the Parliament and state legislatures in the Indian political system, and how do they function:-Another crucial function of the Lok Sabha is the formation of the government. After a general election, the political party or coalition that commands the majority in the Lok Sabha forms the government. The leader of the majority party becomes the Prime Minister, who exercises executive power. The government is collectively responsible to the Lok Sabha and must maintain the confidence of the House. If the government loses the majority or fails to pass a vote of confidence, it can be removed from power through a no-confidence motion.

Moving on to the Rajya Sabha, or the Council of States, it is the upper house of the Parliament and represents the interests of the states and union territories. The Rajya Sabha consists of a maximum of 250 members. Unlike the Lok Sabha, the members of the Rajya Sabha are not directly elected by the people. They are elected by the members of the State Legislative Assemblies using the system of proportional representation by means of a single transferable vote.

What is the role of the Parliament and state legislatures in the Indian political system, and how do they function:-The Rajya Sabha has several important functions. Firstly, it acts as a revising chamber for legislation. Any bill, except a money bill, can be introduced in either house, but it must be passed by both houses before it can be sent for presidential assent. The Rajya Sabha reviews and scrutinizes the bills passed by the Lok Sabha. It can suggest amendments, modifications, or even reject bills. This process ensures that legislation is thoroughly examined from different perspectives before it becomes law.


The Parliament and state legislatures in the Indian political system have vital roles in shaping the governance of the country. The Parliament, consisting of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, acts as the supreme legislative body, enacting laws, representing the people, and overseeing the executive branch. The Lok Sabha, as the lower house, represents the voice of the people and performs functions such as legislating, representing interests, and exercising control over the government. The Rajya Sabha, as the upper house, represents the states and union territories and acts as a revising chamber for legislation while safeguarding the interests of different regions.

What is the role of the Parliament and state legislatures in the Indian political system, and how do they function:-The functioning of these institutions involves various processes such as the introduction and passage of bills, the questioning of the government, and the formation of the government. 

Through these mechanisms, elected representatives engage in debates, discussions, and deliberations, ensuring that diverse viewpoints are considered, and accountability and transparency are maintained. The Parliament and state legislatures provide platforms for democratic participation, enabling citizens to voice their concerns and opinions through their elected representatives.

However, it is important to note that the effectiveness and efficiency of these institutions depend on various factors, including the conduct of elected representatives, the functioning of political parties, and the overall democratic culture of the nation. Challenges such as disruptions, low attendance, and partisan politics can hinder the smooth functioning of these institutions and impede the legislative process.

What is the role of the Parliament and state legislatures in the Indian political system, and how do they function:-Nevertheless, the Parliament and state legislatures remain essential pillars of the Indian democracy, upholding the principles of representation, participation, and accountability. As India continues to evolve and face new challenges, these institutions will continue to play a crucial role in shaping policies, enacting laws, and safeguarding the interests of the people and the states.


Q: What is the Parliament in India?

A: The Parliament in India is the supreme legislative body of the country. It consists of two houses: the Lok Sabha (House of the People) and the Rajya Sabha (Council of States).

Q: What is the role of the Lok Sabha in the Indian political system?

A: The Lok Sabha is the lower house of the Parliament and represents the voice of the people. Its primary roles include legislating, representing the interests of the people, and exercising control over the executive branch.

Q: How are members of the Lok Sabha elected?

A: Members of the Lok Sabha, known as Members of Parliament (MPs), are elected directly by the citizens of India through a system of universal adult suffrage.

Q: What is the role of the Rajya Sabha in the Indian political system?

A: The Rajya Sabha is the upper house of the Parliament and represents the interests of the states and union territories. Its main functions include reviewing and scrutinizing legislation and representing the diverse perspectives of different regions.


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