What are the key features of the Indian Constitution and how have they contributed to the stability of the Indian political system

What are the key features of the Indian Constitution and how have they contributed to the stability of the Indian political system

The Constitution of India is the country's highest law. It outlines the essential political principles, practises, authority, obligations, and powers of the government. 

It imparts constitutional primacy rather than legislative supremacy because a constituent assembly established it and its voters approved it, according to a declaration in the preamble.

What are the key features of the Indian Constitution and how have they contributed to the stability of the Indian political system

What are the key features of the Indian Constitution and how have they contributed to the stability of the Indian political system:-The longest Constitution in the world is that of India. At the start, it contained eight schedules, twenty-two segments, and three hundred and ninety-five pieces. Its around 145,000 words make it the second-largest working constitution in the world. A preamble, twenty-five parts with twelve schedules, five appendices, four forty-eight articles, and one hundred and one amendments make up the current version.

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What are the key features of the Indian Constitution and how have they contributed to the stability of the Indian political system:-The Indian Constitution grants its citizens six fundamental rights. These rights include the freedom from oppression, the equality of all people, the freedom to practise one's religion and to pursue an education, the right to constitutional remedies, and the freedom from both physical and mental exploitation. Recently, fundamental rights have also been given the right to data privacy.

There are the some features of Indian Constitution:-

1. Lengthiest Written Constitution

There are two types of constitutions: written (like the American Constitution) and unwritten (like the British Constitution). The Indian Constitution holds the title of being the world’s longest and most comprehensive constitution to date. In other words, of all the written constitutions in the world, the Indian Constitution is the longest. It is an extremely thorough, intricate, and extensive document. 

2. Drawn from Various Sources

The Government of India Act of 1935, whose around 250 clauses were included into the Indian Constitution, and other countries' constitutions comprised the majority of the document's provisions. The Indian Constitution, according to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, was written after "ransacking all known Constitutions of the world."

What are the key features of the Indian Constitution and how have they contributed to the stability of the Indian political system:-A significant section of the structural provisions of the Constitution were based on the Government of India Act of 1935. The philosophical sections of the Constitution (the Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy) were modelled after the Irish and American Constitutions, respectively. The political provisions of the American Constitution, such as the idea of Cabinet management and the ties between the executive and legislative branches, were heavily influenced by the British Constitution.

3. Blend of Rigidity and Flexibility

There are two types of constitutions: stiff and flexible. A rigid constitution, like the American Constitution, is one that must be amended through a certain process. A flexible constitution, like the British Constitution for instance, is one that can be changed in the same way that regular laws are produced. The Indian Constitution is a special illustration of how rigidity and flexibility may coexist. A constitution’s amendment process determines whether it is rigid or flexible.

4. Parliamentary Form of Government

The Indian Constitution picked the British Parliamentary System of Government above the American Presidential System of Government. The parliamentary system is based on the idea of cooperation and coordination between the legislative and executive departments, as opposed to the presidential system, which is based on the idea of the separation of powers between the two organs.

What are the key features of the Indian Constitution and how have they contributed to the stability of the Indian political system:-Other names for the parliamentary system include responsible government, cabinet government, and the Westminster form of governance. Both at the federal level and at the state level, the parliamentary system is established by the Constitution. Since the prime minister's role has become so crucial in parliamentary systems, it is known as a "Prime Ministerial Government".

5. Synthesis of Parliamentary Sovereignty & Judicial Supremacy

While the American Supreme Court adheres to the tenet of judicial supremacy, the British Parliament is associated with the philosophy of parliamentary sovereignty. Similar to how the Indian legislative system differs from the British one, the Indian Supreme Court has less judicial review authority than the US Supreme Court. This is so that it can be contrasted with the "procedure established by law" of the Indian Constitution and the Article 21 guarantee of "due process of law" in the American Constitution.

6. Rule of Law

According to this statement, men are not infallible, hence law rather than men should rule society. A democracy needs the declaration. More important is the idea that in a democracy, the rule of law is supreme. Custom, which is nothing more than the deeply established behaviours and beliefs of the common people over a long period of time, makes up the majority of law. Rule of law ultimately refers to the supremacy of the people's collective wisdom.

7. Integrated and Independent Judiciary

In India, there is a single, integrated judicial system. The Indian Constitution also creates an independent judiciary by forbidding any interference from the legislature or the executive. The Supreme Court is the name given to the top court in the legal system. The Supreme Court is subordinate to the High Courts at the state level. 

What are the key features of the Indian Constitution and how have they contributed to the stability of the Indian political system:-The high court's system of subordinate courts includes district courts and various inferior courts. The Supreme Court is a federal court that serves as the nation's highest court of appeal, defender of citizens' fundamental rights, and custodian of the Constitution. Because of this, the Constitution has certain protections that ensure its independence.

8. Fundamental Rights

Part III of the Indian Constitution guarantees the six Fundamental Rights to all citizens. The protection of fundamental rights is one of the main tenets of the Indian Constitution. Everyone has a right to certain liberties as fellow humans, and exercising those freedoms is unaffected by majority or minority opinion. This is the fundamental principle of the Constitution. A majority cannot take away these rights. The idea of democratic democracy is furthered by the fundamental rights.

9. Directive Principles of State Policy

The Indian Constitution's Directive Principles of State Policy constitute a "new aspect," in the words of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Part IV of the Constitution contains a list of them. The Directive Principles were included in our Constitution in order to guarantee social and economic justice for our inhabitants. 

What are the key features of the Indian Constitution and how have they contributed to the stability of the Indian political system:-The welfare state in India won't result in a concentration of wealth in the hands of a select few, according to Directive Principles. They cannot be justified by nature. The Supreme Court concluded in the Minerva Mills case (1980) that the balance between the Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles forms the basis of the Indian Constitution.

They are all the features are help to make a stability of the Indian political system.

Overall, the Indian Constitution's emphasis on fundamental rights, separation of powers, federalism, electoral democracy, and the ability to adapt through amendments has helped foster stability in the Indian political system. It provides a solid foundation for governance, ensures accountability, and accommodates diverse interests, thereby contributing to the overall stability and resilience of India's democratic system.

History of Indian Constitution

  • India’s Constitution was adopted in the year 1949 on November 26.
  • It came into effect on January 26, 1950. January 26 is celebrated as Republic Day of India and the assembly approved it.
  • The Chairman of the drafting committee, Dr B. R. Ambedkar, is generally regarded as the architect of the Indian Constitution.
  • After the Constitution was adopted, The Union of India became the modern and contemporary Republic of India.


The Indian Constitution has been instrumental in promoting and maintaining the stability of the Indian political system. Through its provisions on fundamental rights, separation of powers, federal structure, electoral democracy, and the ability to adapt through amendments, the Constitution has created a framework that fosters inclusivity, accountability, and the peaceful transfer of power. 

It has provided citizens with essential rights and freedoms, ensured checks and balances among the branches of government, accommodated diverse regional interests, and facilitated regular elections for citizen participation. The Constitution's role in upholding these principles and values has been crucial in establishing a stable political system in India.


Q. When was the Indian Constitution adopted?

Ans. The Indian Constitution was adopted on November 26, 1949.

Q. When did the Indian Constitution come into effect?

Ans. The Indian Constitution came into effect on January 26, 1950.

Q. Who drafted the Indian Constitution?

Ans. The Indian Constitution was drafted by a Constituent Assembly, which was composed of elected representatives from various parts of India. The drafting committee was chaired by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

Q. How many articles are there in the Indian Constitution?

Ans. The Indian Constitution initially had 395 articles, but as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, it has been amended multiple times and currently has 470 articles.

Q. What is the Preamble of the Indian Constitution?

Ans. The Preamble is an introductory statement to the Indian Constitution. It outlines the ideals and objectives of the Constitution, such as justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity.


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