How has the study of political theory been influenced by modern and postmodern philosophy

How has the study of political theory been influenced by modern and postmodern philosophy

The study of political theory has undergone significant transformations in the past few decades, owing to the influence of modern and postmodern philosophy. Modern philosophy, as the name suggests, refers to the philosophical thought that emerged during the 17th and 18th centuries. On the other hand, postmodernism is a philosophical movement that emerged in the mid-20th century as a response to modernity. In this essay, we will explore how modern and postmodern philosophy have influenced the study of political theory.

How has the study of political theory been influenced by modern and postmodern philosophy

How has the study of political theory been influenced by modern and postmodern philosophy:-To begin with, modern philosophy has had a profound impact on political theory. Modern philosophers, such as Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau, among others, have contributed significantly to the development of political theory. For instance, Hobbes' Leviathan is one of the most influential works in political theory. Hobbes argued that the state is necessary to prevent the natural state of war that would exist in a society without a central authority. He believed that individuals were inherently selfish and violent, and the state was necessary to keep them in check. This idea of the state as a social contract between individuals and the government has become a fundamental concept in political theory.

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Similarly, Locke's Second Treatise of Government is another significant work in political theory. Locke argued that individuals have natural rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property. He believed that the government's primary role was to protect these rights, and if it failed to do so, individuals had the right to overthrow it. Locke's ideas about natural rights and the role of the government have been central to the development of liberal democracy.

How has the study of political theory been influenced by modern and postmodern philosophy:-In contrast, postmodern philosophy has challenged some of the fundamental assumptions of modern political theory. Postmodernism rejects the idea of a universal truth or objective reality. It argues that reality is constructed through language and discourse, and therefore, different individuals and groups can have different perspectives and interpretations of reality. Postmodernism also challenges the notion of a fixed human nature, which is a fundamental assumption in modern political theory.

One of the ways in which postmodernism has influenced political theory is by questioning the idea of the subject. The subject refers to the individual who is the primary unit of analysis in modern political theory. Postmodernism argues that the subject is not a fixed and stable entity but is constantly constructed through language and discourse. Therefore, the subject is not a universal category but is shaped by social, cultural, and historical contexts.

How has the study of political theory been influenced by modern and postmodern philosophy:-This idea of the constructed subject has led to the emergence of identity politics, which emphasizes the importance of group identities such as race, gender, and sexuality in political discourse. Identity politics has challenged the universalist assumptions of modern political theory and has highlighted the ways in which different groups experience power differentials in society.

Another way in which postmodernism has influenced political theory is by challenging the idea of the state. Postmodernism argues that the state is not a neutral entity but is shaped by power relations and discourses. Therefore, the state is not a neutral arbiter but is part of the power struggles in society. This idea has led to the emergence of critical theories of the state, which seek to uncover the ways in which the state is implicated in maintaining power differentials in society.

How has the study of political theory been influenced by modern and postmodern philosophy:-Postmodernism has also challenged the idea of progress that is central to modern political theory. Modernity is characterized by the belief in progress, which is the idea that society can constantly improve through technological and social innovations. Postmodernism, on the other hand, argues that progress is a myth and that the idea of progress is used to justify oppressive power structures in society. Therefore, postmodernism has led to the emergence of critical theories of development, which question the idea of development as a universal and neutral process.


The study of political theory has been significantly influenced by modern and postmodern philosophy. Modern philosophy has contributed fundamental concepts to political theory, such as the social contract, natural rights, and the role of the government in protecting them. However, postmodern philosophy has challenged some of the fundamental assumptions of modern political theory, such as the idea of a fixed human nature, the subject, the state, and progress. Postmodernism has also led to the emergence of critical theories of identity, the state, development, and representation, which have sought to uncover the ways in which power differentials operate in society. Therefore, the influence of modern and postmodern philosophy has contributed to a more complex and nuanced understanding of political theory, highlighting the importance of considering social, cultural, and historical contexts in political analysis.


Q: What is modern philosophy?

A: Modern philosophy refers to the philosophical thought that emerged during the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe. It is characterized by a focus on reason, scientific inquiry, and the search for objective truth. Modern philosophers, such as Descartes, Spinoza, Locke, and Kant, among others, contributed significantly to the development of modern philosophy.

Q: What is postmodern philosophy?

A: Postmodern philosophy is a philosophical movement that emerged in the mid-20th century as a response to modernity. It is characterized by a rejection of the idea of a universal truth or objective reality and a focus on language, discourse, and power relations. Postmodern philosophers, such as Foucault, Derrida, and Lyotard, among others, have contributed significantly to the development of postmodern philosophy.

Q: What are some of the key ideas in modern philosophy?

A: Some of the key ideas in modern philosophy include the use of reason to understand the world, the search for objective truth, the importance of scientific inquiry, and the idea of the social contract, which is the idea that individuals agree to give up some of their individual rights in exchange for protection and security from the government.

Q: What are some of the key ideas in postmodern philosophy?

A: Some of the key ideas in postmodern philosophy include the rejection of the idea of a universal truth or objective reality, the focus on language and discourse, the idea that power relations shape social reality, and the critique of the Enlightenment project and its emphasis on reason and progress.



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