A Modest Proposal Summary Line by Line

 A Modest Proposal Summary Line by Line

A Modest Proposal Summary Line by Line Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" is one of the most renowned pieces of literature in English history. It was published in 1729 and is widely recognized as one of the most influential works of satire. The essay takes a unique and provocative approach to address the poverty and suffering of the Irish people in the 18th century. This article provides a summary of the essay, highlighting its main themes, literary techniques, and historical context.


The introduction sets the stage for the essay, outlining the poverty and famine faced by the Irish people. Swift adopts a compassionate tone, stating his concern for the plight of the Irish. He then presents a surprising proposal, which he believes would alleviate their suffering.

  • In the introduction, Swift expresses his concern for the poverty and suffering of the Irish people.
  • He presents his proposal as a solution to this problem, suggesting that the Irish should sell their children as food to the wealthy.
  • Swift justifies his proposal by arguing that it would provide economic benefits to both the rich and the poor.
  • He provides a detailed plan for how this could be accomplished, including calculations of the costs and profits.
  • Swift uses irony and sarcasm to criticize the English government's neglect of Ireland's poverty and suffering.
  • The proposal is meant to be shocking and absurd, highlighting the absurdity of the situation.
  • Swift concludes by suggesting that his proposal is a practical and humane solution to Ireland's problems.

A Modest Proposal: The Proposal

The proposal, which Swift claims is a modest one, suggests that the Irish people should sell their children as food to the wealthy. Swift justifies this proposal by arguing that it would provide economic benefits to both the rich and the poor. He presents a detailed plan for how this could be accomplished, including calculations of the costs and profits.

Satire and Irony

The proposal is, of course, not serious, but rather a satirical piece of writing. Swift uses irony and sarcasm to criticize the English government's neglect of Ireland's poverty and suffering. The essay also mocks the attitudes and beliefs of the wealthy and powerful in society. The proposal's outlandishness is intended to provoke a reaction from the reader, highlighting the absurdity of the situation.

Historical Context

To understand the significance of Swift's essay, it is crucial to consider the historical context. The 18th century saw significant economic and social changes, including the growth of the British Empire and the industrial revolution. The Irish people, however, were still suffering from poverty, famine, and oppression under English rule. Swift's essay reflects his anger and frustration with the English government's indifference to Ireland's problems.


In conclusion, Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" is a brilliant example of satirical writing. It highlights the poverty and suffering of the Irish people, criticizes the English government's neglect, and mocks the attitudes of the wealthy and powerful in society. The essay is an enduring piece of literature that continues to provoke and challenge readers today.


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