What is a Haik Poetry and example

What is a Haik Poetry and example

Haiku is a form of traditional Japanese poetry that consists of three lines. The first and third lines have five syllables each, while the second line has seven syllables. Haiku poems are typically focused on nature and aim to capture a moment or feeling in a concise and evocative way.

Here's an example of a haiku:

Autumn moonlight a worm digs silently into the chestnut

This haiku, written by the famous Japanese poet Matsuo Basho, captures a moment in nature where a worm is digging into a chestnut under the autumn moonlight. The poem is short and simple, yet it manages to evoke a sense of peacefulness and serenity.

" Silent winter night

Snowflakes Dance in the Moonlight

Peaceful Solitude "

This haiku poem captures the serene and tranquil feeling of a winter night, as the snowflakes fall softly under the glow of the moon. The simplicity of the language and the vivid imagery of the scene make the poem impactful and evocative.

Haiku poems can be written about a variety of subjects, but they are all characterized by their brevity and focus on a specific moment or image. The goal of a haiku is to create a connection between the reader and the natural world, often through the use of vivid sensory details and seasonal references.


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