IGNOU MPY 002 Solved Assignment English Medium 2022-23

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M.P.Y – 002

Western Philosophy IGNOU MPY 002 Solved Assignment 2022-23

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NOTE: All questions are compulsory.

1. What is Cartesian dualism? Discuss Anti-Cartesian foundation of Pragmatism.


Write a note on,

a) Language Game,

b) Family Resemblance

2. Write a note on the notion of causality. How does David Hume challenge the notion of causality?


What is the theory of Innate Ideas? What are the objections raised by Locke against this theory?

3. Answer any two questions in about 250 words each.

a) Do you agree that there is some common underline theme present in Early and later Wittgenstein? Give arguments to support your answer.

b) Write a note on the Socrates’s dialectic method.

c) Write an essay on the Don Scotus’s conception of God.

d) Write a note on the sense-reference problem in the light of Frege’s philosophy.

4. Answer any four questions in about 150 words each.

a) Write a note on Kalam cosmological argument.

b) Evaluate the notion of private language.

c) Write a short note on picture theory.

d) Write a note on the concept of time and space in Kant’s philosophy

e) Distinguish Modernism with Post-modernism.

f) Write a short note on Logical Positivism.

5. Write short notes on any five in about 100 words each.

a) Phenomena

b) Analytic a priori judgement

c) The idea of ‘Potentiality’ in Aristotle’s philosophy

d) Black Feminism

e) Esse est percipi

f) Coherence theory of truth

g) Realism

h) Basic assumptions of Empiricism

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IGNOU MPYE 005 Solved Assignment English Medium 2022-23

IGNOU MPY 002 Solved Assignment English Medium 2022-23 The Indira Gandhi National Open  University has updated the IGNOU Assignment Status 2022-23 December Session so that students can know if their submission is completed or not. Now if you have also submitted your Assignment/Practical/Project till 15 December 2022 then you must be worried about the Assignment Status and Grade Card. So we decided to come up with https://ignouadmission.samarth.edu.in/ Assignment 2022-23.


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