The concept of Non-Violence

Examine the concept of Non-Violence. Do you think the Amendment of 2011 falls into the category of Non-Violence of Gandhian ideas?

The concept of Non-Voilance:-

There are many different types of non-violent activity. Generally speaking, it alludes to engaging in political activity that goes beyond the usual institutionalised political tactics (voting, lobbying, letter-writing, vocal expression). The two main ways to resolve conflicts are through war and through peaceful means. It demands the capacity to endure risk and suffering without retaliating. People can use it to gain an understanding of their social power at the most basic level.

Examine the concept of Non-Violence. Do you think the Amendment of 2011 falls into the category of Non-Violence of Gandhian ideas-Activities that are non-violent come in a wide variety. Generally speaking, it refers to engaging in political activity that transcends the customary institutionalised political strategies (voting, lobbying, letter-writing, vocal expression). War and peaceful methods of resolving disputes are the two major options. It necessitates the ability to put oneself in danger and bear pain without reacting negatively. It can help people at the most fundamental level comprehend their social power. It is a basic tenet of nonviolence that there are other, more powerful ways to persuade people than by using physical force or causing them pain. The Sanskrit word satya, which means truth, is the root of the phrase satyagraha, which Gandhi created. Its loose translation is "holding on to the truth."

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Examine the concept of Non-Violence. Do you think the Amendment of 2011 falls into the category of Non-Violence of Gandhian ideasThere are three main categories of non-violent action: intervention, non-cooperation, and demonstration and persuasion. The first category includes protesting, picketing, signing petitions, having vigils, street theatre, marches, rallies, and sit-ins. When used in environments where the government is tolerant, these techniques may be relatively ineffective; however, when the viewpoints being expressed are controversial, divisive, or in opposition to the government's policies, even the mildest of these techniques may require great bravery and have a profound effect.

There are the three categories of non- voilance are:

1. protest of persuasion:- Both passive acceptance of injustice and violent resistance to it are not compatible with nonviolence. The alternative is aggressive nonviolence. In order to influence and promote societal change, nonviolent action entails a commitment to using nonviolent and innovative methods (such as acts of protest and persuasion, noncooperation, direct action, civil disobedience, boycotts, strikes, and education) to oppose violent forces.

2. non-cooperation :- The Non-Cooperation movement was a political initiative started on September 4, 1920, by Mahatma Gandhi with the goal of convincing Indians to refuse collaboration with the British government in exchange for self-governance.

3. Intervention:- Third Party Nonviolent Intervention, also known as TPNI, is the process of entering a violent conflict from the outside with the intention of lessening the violence and creating "space" for conflict settlement.









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