What do you mean by organizational behaviours? Explain meaning and scope of organizational behaviour.

What do you mean by organizational behaviours? Explain meaning and scope of organizational behaviour.

Organizational Behaviour - Good companies understand how organisational behaviour affects an organisation’s performance. Characteristics of the organisational system and formal-informal dynamics at work are important environmental factors that influence peoples’ behaviour.

In order to both manage people as well as to understand work behaviour, managers must continually upgrade their knowledge about all aspects of their businesses, and especially the human side of the enterprise. And this is where organisational behaviour (OB) comes in. What do you mean by organizational behaviours? Explain meaning and scope of organizational behaviour.

OB is concerned not only with individual level behaviour within organisations, but also with macro-level processes, such as organisational strategy, structure and change. There is little doubt that although OB does not portray the whole of management (and neither does it intend to), OB has come into its own as a field of study, research, and application.

What do you mean by organizational behaviours? Explain meaning and scope of organizational behaviour.

OB seeks to develop a base of knowledge using a systematic, empirical and research-oriented approach. A scientific approach is said to be a central defining characteristic of modern OB. Human behaviour in organisations is complex and often difficult to understand, and thus the relevance of the scientific approach. As with any science, OB practitioners seek knowledge to describe, understand, predict, and control behaviour in organisations.

We shall discuss these goals in detail in the next section. OB is scientific because of the information and methodology it represents. Its information results from inquiries carried out according to four scientific core values: accuracy, objectivity, skepticism, and open-mindedness; and its methods consist of the procedures involved in making such investigations.

Three Levels of Analysis: Individual, Group and Organisation

All the definitions of OB depict that the field focuses on behaviour at three distinct levels of analysis:

Level 1: Individual. Where the focus is on processes/phenomenon such as values, attitudes, beliefs, intelligence, motivation etc. that influence how people behave as individuals.

Level 2: Group. This is more concerned with social and interpersonal aspects, such as group dynamics and leadership.

Level 3: Organisation. The main concern here is the behaviour of an organisation as a whole, for e.g. its culture, structure and processes.

What do you mean by organizational behaviours? Explain meaning and scope of organizational behaviour.


OB seeks the Betterment of Human Resources

Consider this grim scenario from the early part of twentieth century: Factories were huge, noisy, hot, and highly regimented-callous and brutal places to work. Bosses demanded more and more of their employees, and treated them like disposable machines, replacing those who quit or died from accidents with others who waited outside the factory gates.

The supply of labour was far greater than its supply. It is obvious from the above that managers back then held very negative views of employees. This traditional view of management was termed Theory X by Douglas McGregor (1960).

This philosophy of management assumes that people are inherently lazy, dislike work, and will avoid work if they can. As a result, management needs to closely supervise workers and develop comprehensive systems of control. Beliefs of this theory lead to mistrust, highly restrictive supervision, and a punitive atmosphere.

Scope of organizational behavior

Contemporary organisations and their environments are characterized by change. Changing times always pose a challenge for people and organisations. Too much change may lead to chaos; too little change may be stifling and may cause stagnation. Knowledge and understanding of OB during such dynamic times is particularly important for those who manage or even aspire to manage. What do you mean by organizational behaviours? Explain meaning and scope of organizational behaviour.

For such people, a vital part of performing their roles effectively is understanding human behaviour in an organisational context. Theories about OB help managers understand how humans and organisations behave, help them make good business decisions, and guide them about actions to take or refrain from taking.

In particular, knowledge of organisational behaviour equips managers to deal with four critical challenges (Nelson & Quick, 2003):

1) increasing globalisation,

2) increasing diversity of organisational workforce,

3) continuing technological innovation with accompanying need for skill enhancement,

4) demand for ethical behaviour at work.

The topics studied in OB involve managers and other employees that are concerned with the efficient operation of an organisation in a rapidly changing world.

The scope of OB includes topics such as the formal and informal organisation of the workplace, employee needs and motivation, leadership, interpersonal relations and group dynamics, communication, the work environment, organisational design, delegation of authority, change and change management, creation of a harmonious climate for employee-employer relations, conflict resolution, organisational development and effectiveness, organisational health, stress and its management.

In addition to managers, all of us are also inevitably involved in organisations of some sort throughout our lives. Addition to work organisations, our society is made up of many other kinds of organisations, ranging from governmental, non-governmental, political, religious, educational, military, health, and social organisations.

Knowledge of organisational behaviour is important as it helps us gain an understanding of how an organisation functions, how it affects our behaviour, and how we, in turn, affect the behaviour of others. To understand this context is part of understanding the world in which we live, and this underlines the relevance of OB.

What do you mean by organizational behaviours? Explain meaning and scope of organizational behaviour.

The scope of OB involves three levels of behaviour in organizations:

Individuals, groups and structure.

·       Individual Behaviour

·       Personality

·       Perception

·       Values and Attitudes

·       Learning 

·       Motivation

·       Group Behaviour

·       Work groups and group dynamics

·       Dynamics of conflict

·       Communication

·       Leadership

·       Morale

Organization: Structure, Process and Application

·       Organizational Climate

·       Organizational Culture

·       Organizational Change

·       Organizational Effectiveness

·       Organizational Development

What do you mean by organizational behaviours? Explain meaning and scope of organizational behaviour. So you got the answer


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