The impact of land reforms on agrarian transformation in India
Under the
British Raj, the farmers did not have the ownership of the lands they
cultivated, the landlordship of the land lied with the Zamindars, Jagirdars
etc. Several important issues confronted the government and stood as a
challenge in front of independent India. Land was concentrated in the hands of
a few and there was a proliferation of intermediaries who had no vested
interest in self-cultivation. Leasing out land was a common practice. The
tenancy contracts were expropriative in nature and tenant exploitation was
almost everywhere.
The impact of land reforms on agrarian transformation in India
Land records
were in extremely bad shape giving rise to a mass of litigation. One problem of
agriculture was that the land was fragmented into very small parts l for
commercial farming. It resulted in inefficient use of soil, capital, and labour
in the form of boundary lands and boundary disputes. A committee, under the
Chairmanship of J. C. Kumarappan was appointed to look into the problem of
land. The Kumarappa Committee's report recommended comprehensive agrarian
reform measures. The Land Reforms of the independent India had four components:
· The Abolition of the Intermediaries
· Tenancy Reforms
· Fixing Ceilings on Landholdings
· Consolidation of Landholdings
These were
taken in phases because of the need to establish a political will for their
wider acceptance of these reforms. Abolition of the Intermediaries Abolition of
the zamindari system: The first important legislation was the abolition of the
zamindari system, which removed the layer of intermediaries who stood between
the cultivators and the state. The reform was relatively the most effective
than the other reforms, for in most areas it succeeded in taking away the
superior rights of the zamindars over the land and weakening their economic and
political power.
The impact of land reforms on agrarian transformation in India
The reform
was made to strengthen the actual landholders, the cultivators. Advantages: The
abolition of intermediaries made almost 2 crore tenants the owners of the land
they cultivated. The abolition of intermediaries has led to the end of a
parasite class. More lands have been brought to government possession for
distribution to landless farmers. A considerable area of cultivable waste land
and private forests belonging to the intermediaries has been vested in the
The legal
abolition brought the cultivators in direct contact with the government.
Disadvantages: However, zamindari abolition did not wipe out landlordism or the
tenancy or sharecropping systems, which continued in many areas. It only
removed the top layer of landlords in the multi-layered agrarian structure. It
has led to large-scale eviction. Large-scale eviction, in turn, has given rise
to several problems – social, economic, administrative and legal.
The impact of land reforms on agrarian transformation in India
While the states of J&K and West Bengal legalised the abolition, in other
states, intermediaries were allowed to retain possession of lands under their
personal cultivation without limit being set. Besides, in some states, the law
applied only to tenant interests like sairati mahals etc. and not to
agricultural holdings. Therefore, many large intermediaries continued to exist
even after the formal abolition of zamindari. It led to large-scale eviction
which in turn gave rise to several socio-economic and administrative problems.
After passing the Zamindari Abolition Acts, the next major problem was of
tenancy regulation.
The impact of land reforms on agrarian transformation in India
The rent
paid by the tenants during the pre-independence period was exorbitant; between
35% and 75% of gross produce throughout India. Tenancy reforms introduced to
regulate rent, provide security of tenure and confer ownership to tenants. With
the enactment of legislation (early 1950s) for regulating the rent payable by
the cultivators, fair rent was fixed at 20% to 25% of the gross produce level
in all the states except Punjab, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Tamil Nadu, and
some parts of Andhra Pradesh.
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