The impact of globalisation on developing countries

The Impact of Globalisation on Developing Countries


Globalization is a process of global economic, political and cultural integration. It has made the world become a small village; the borders have been broken down between countries. ''The history of globalization goes back to the second half of the twentieth century, the development of transport and communication technology led to situation where national borders appeared to be too limiting for economic activity''. Globalization is playing an increasingly important role in the developing countries. It can be seen that, globalization has certain advantages such as economic processes technological developments, political influences, health systems, social and natural environment factors.

The impact of globalisation on developing countries

This paper evaluates the positive and negative impact of globalization on developing nations in the following proportions;

· Economic and Trade Processes Field

· Education and Health Systems

· Culture Effects

1- Economic and Trade Processes Field Globalization helps developing countries to deal with rest of the world increase their economic growth, solving the poverty problems in their country. In the past, developing countries were not able to tap on the world economy due to trade barriers. They cannot share the same economic growth that developed countries had. However, with globalization the World Bank and International Management encourage developing countries to go through market reforms and radical changes through large loans. Many developing nations began to take steps to open their markets by removing tariffs and free up their economies. The developed countries were able to invest in the developing nations, creating job opportunities for the poor people.

The impact of globalisation on developing countries

The impact of globalisation on developing countries

2- Education and Health Systems Globalization contributed to develop the health and education systems in the developing countries. We can clearly see that education has increased in recent years, because globalization has a catalyst to the jobs that require higher skills set. This demand allowed people to gain higher education. Health and education are basic objectives to improve any nations, and there are strong relationships between economic growth and health and education systems. Through growth in economic, living standards and life expectancy for the developing nations certainly get better. With more fortunes poor nations are able to supply good health care services and sanitation to their people. In addition, the government of developing countries can provide more money for health and education to the poor, which led to decrease the rates of illiteracy. This is seen in many developing countries whose illiteracy rate fell down recently. It is truth that, living standards and life expectancy of developing countries increase through economic gains from globalization. According to the World Bank (2004) " With globalization, more than 85 percent of the world's population can expect to live for at least sixty years and this is actually twice as long as the average life expectancy 100 years ago".

The impact of globalisation on developing countries

3- Culture Effects Globalization has many benefits and detriment to the culture in the developing countries. Many developing countries cultures has been changed through globalization, and became imitate others cultures such as, America and European countries. Before globalization it would not have been possible to know about other countries and their cultures. Due to important tools of globalization like television, radio, satellite and internet, it is possible today to know what is happening in any countries such as, America, Japan and Australia. Moreover, people worldwide can know each other better through globalization. For example, it is easy to see more and more Hollywood stars shows the cultures different from America.

The impact of globalisation on developing countries

Moreover, people worldwide can know each other better through globalization. For example, it is easy to see more and more Hollywood stars shows the cultures different from America. In addition, today we can see clearly a heavily effect that caused by globalization to the young people in the different poor nations, it is very common to see teenagers wearing Nike T-Shirts and Adidas footwear, playing Hip-Hop music, using Apple ipad and iPhone and eating at MacDonald, KFC and Domino's Pizza . It is look like you can only distinguish them by their language. One the other hand, many developing countries are concerned about the rise of globalization because it might lead to destroy their own culture, traditional, identity, customs and their language.

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