MEC 101 Solved Assignment 2022-23
Course Code: MEC 001/101
Assignment Code: Asst /TMA /2022-23
Total Marks: 100
Answer all the questions.
the following questions in about 700 words each. The word limits do not apply
in case of numerical questions. Each question carries 20 marks.
2 × 20 = 40
1. a)
Consider a pure-exchange economy of two individuals (A and B) and two goods (X
and Y) Individual A is endowed with 5 units of good X and 3 units of good Y,
while individual B with 3 and 4 units of goods X and Y respectively. Assuming
utility functions of individuals A and B to be UA=XA YA 2 and UB=XB 2 YB where
Xi and Yi for i= {A, B} represent individual i’s consumption of good X and Y
respectively, what will be the set of Pareto optimal allocation in this
Determine the conditions that need to be fulfilled by an allocation to be
termed as Pareto efficient allocation.
Consider a Cobb-Douglas utility function
U (X, Y)
= Xα Y (1- α) ,
Where X
and y are the two goods that a consumer consumes at per unit prices of Px and
Py respectively. Assuming the income of the consumer to be ₹M, determine:
Marshallian demand function for goods X and Y.
Indirect utility function for such a consumer.
c. The
maximum utility attained by the consumer where α =1/2, Px =₹ 2, Py = ₹ 8 and M=
₹ 4000.
Derive Roy’s identity.
the following questions in about 400 words each. Each question carries 12
marks. 5 X 12=60
3. a.)
What is excess capacity and how is it related to the model of monopolistic
Demand function and supply function are given as P=25-X2 and P=2X+1
respectively, find out producer surplus and consumer surplus.
4. a.)
Define games of complete and incomplete information
b.) From
the following pay-off matrix, where the payoffs (the negative values) are the
years of possible imprisonment for individuals A and B, determine:
(i) The
optimal strategy for each individual.
(ii) Do
individuals A and B face a prisoner’s dilemma?
Individual B |
Individual A |
Confess |
Don’t Confess |
Confess |
(-5,-5) |
(-1,-10) |
Don’t Confess |
(10,-1) |
(-2,-2) |
5. a.)
Differentiate between the Cournot and the Bertrand model of Oligopoly.
Consider an industry with two firms 1 and 2, each producing output Q1 and Q2 respectively
and facing the industry demand given by P=140-Q, where P is the market price
and Q represents the total industry output, that is Q= Q1 + Q2. Assume that
each faces a marginal cost of ₹ 20 per unit with no fixed costs. Solve for the
Cournot equilibrium in such an industry.
6. a.)
Given the Von Neumann-Morgenstern utility function of an individual, U (W) =W ½
, where W stands for amount of money. Comment upon attitude towards risk of
such an individual with the help of a diagram.
b) Now
suppose this individual possesses a building worth ₹1600. If the building
catches fire, its value falls to ₹ 400. Let the probability of building
catching fire be ¼. On the basis of the given information, find out whether the
individual would be willing to pay a risk premium of ₹ 76 to the insurance
company in order to eliminate the risk associated with the factory building.
7. Write
short notes on following:
a) Moral
Homogeneous and Homothetic production functions
c) Arrow
prat measure of risk averseness
Bergson-Samuelson Social welfare function
MEC 101 Solved
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Assignment 2022-23 Once the TEE assignments are submitted to the
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