MRW 001 Solved Assignment 2022-23

MRW 001 Solved Assignment 2022-23


Course Code: MRW 001

Last Date of Submission: May 15, 2022

Weightage : 30%

Maximum Marks : 100

Note : All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

Q.1 (a) Describe different types of wastes. How can waste be used? What is municipal solid waste? Describe different categories of MSW.

(b) What is the solid waste scenario in Indian cities? What is integrated solid waste management?

Q.2 (a) How do you classify waste? What functions are identified in waste management? What is an incinerator?

(b) How are particulate matters removed from flue gas of an incinerator? Distinguish between pyrolysis and starved air incineration.

Q.3 (a) Discuss different treatments given to hazardous waste before final disposal. Why are such treatments necessary? Give names of such disposal methods which do not require pretreatments.

(b) What is incineration? What are different incineration technologies? What are the advantages of rotary kiln?

Q4. (a) Why does a fire occur? Describe fire classes and portable extinguishers used against them.

(b) What is the role of first aid in responding to emergency? Describe contents of a first aid kit. What are different elements of emergency planning?

Q5. (a) “Safety alone is not the objective of Safety Engineering. Health of worker should also be included in the objective.” Justify the statement.

(b) What is occupational safety? Describe reasons for risks to the safety and health of a worker in work place.

Q6. (a) Enumerate the health problems arising out of industrialization. Discuss the measures for health protection of workers.

(b) Describe the types of Accidents and discuss the

Q7. (a) Describe principles on which gas detection in industrial environment is made.

(b) What is acid rain? Which pollutants cause acid rains?

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Q8. (a) Describe a typical landfill cross-section and bring out the significance of each layer.

Q9. (a) What are safety inspections? Discuss the objectives and roles of inspectors.

(b) What is a disaster? Distinguish between a man-made and natural disaster. Describe briefly the after effects of such disasters as earthquake, floods and cyclone.

Q10 What is safety training and why is it necessary? Discuss the role of trainer of safety engineering. Describe four steps of training – preparation, presentation, application and evaluation

MRW 001 Solved Assignment 2022-23: FREE IGNOU Assignment You can Get All students of university who needs to submit assignments should download old assignments of the respective course of 2022 available above and submit at the concerned study center. The last dates will be 30th April and 30th October of every year until their registration is valid. New assignments will not be available any more for students as course was revised.

How can we submit IGNOU assignment?

IGNOU MRW 001 Solved Assignment 2022-23: Now students have to submit their assignments online to Madhyam before the scheduled date. You can submit your annual assignment through the online link. Through the online submission links issued by the university, you can submit your assignment from home.

How can I submit IGNOU assignment online 2021?

The email must carry the following details of the sender:

1.     Name of the learner:

2.     Enrollment number:

3.     Regional Centre Code:

4.     Study Centre Code:

5.     Programme Code:

6.     Course Code(s) of attached assignments:

7.     Mobile number:

8.     Email ID:

How can I get first page of IGNOU assignment?

The first page must include the following information.

1.     Name.

2.     Roll number.

3.     Address.

4.     Assignment number.

5.     Name of the course.

6.     Study Centre.

7.     Programme.

Date of submission.

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IGNOU Assignment Status 2021-22

MRW 001 Energy Conversion Solved Assignment 2022-23 : Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment Status. Alongside assignment status, they will also checkout their assignment marks & result. MRW 001 Solved Assignment 2022-23 All this is often available in a web mode. After submitting the assignment, you'll check you IGNOU Assignment Status only after 3-4 weeks. it'd take 40 days to declare.

Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment Status. Along with assignment status, they can also checkout their assignment marks & result. All this is available in an online mode. After submitting the assignment, you can check you IGNOU Assignment Status only after 3-4 weeks. It might take 40 days to declare.

Here the students can check their IGNOU Assignment Status, marks, result or both the sessions i.e; June & December. MRW 001 Solved Assignment 2022-23 Once the TEE assignments have been submitted to the Centres, it is send to the evaluation department. After which the evaluation of IGNOU Assignment Solutions takes place.

MRW 001 Solved Assignment 2022-23 Once the TEE assignments are submitted to the Centres, it's send to the evaluation department. After which the evaluation of IGNOU Assignment Solutions takes place.

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