BANC 183 Solved Assignment 2021-22
BANC 183 Solved Assignment 2021-22 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (8130208920) just after payment.
Course Code: BANS 183
Assignment Code: BANS 183/ASST/TMA/July 2021 and
January 2022
Total Marks: 100
are two Sections in the Assignment. You have to answer all questions in all the
Assignment I
the following in about 500 words each.
20X2= 40
Discuss the role of physical, social and archaeological anthropology in
studying tourism.
Describe tangible and intangible heritage with suitable examples.
Assignment II
the following in about 250 words each. (Write Short Notes)
a. What
is authenticity in tourism? Explain with suitable examples.
Discuss preservation and conservation of heritage sites with suitable examples.
c. Write
about some of the new directions in the anthropology of tourism.
the following questions in about 150 words each.
a. Guest
and the Host
Culture and Tourism
c. Ethnography
Commodification of culture in tourism
e. Sustainable
development and tourism
f. Heritage sites and tourism
BANC 183 Solved
Assignment 2021-22 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send
on email/WhatsApp (8130208920) just after payment.
IGNOU Assignment Status 2021-22
BANC 183 Tourism Anthropology Solved Assignment 2021-22 : Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment Status. Alongside assignment status, they will also checkout their assignment marks & result. BANC 183 Solved Assignment 2021-22 All this is often available in a web mode. After submitting the assignment, you'll check you IGNOU Assignment Status only after 3-4 weeks. it'd take 40 days to declare.
Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment Status. Along with assignment status, they can also checkout their assignment marks & result. All this is available in an online mode. After submitting the assignment, you can check you IGNOU Assignment Status only after 3-4 weeks. It might take 40 days to declare.
Here the students can check their IGNOU Assignment Status, marks, result or both the sessions i.e; June & December. BANC 183 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Once the TEE assignments have been submitted to the Centres, it is send to the evaluation department. After which the evaluation of IGNOU Assignment Solutions takes place.
BANC 183 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Once the TEE assignments are submitted to the Centres, it's send to the evaluation department. After which the evaluation of IGNOU Assignment Solutions takes place.
PDF & Hand Written
WhatsApp : 8130208920
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