Nineteenth century Australian poetry
Nineteenth century Australian poetry: Almost as soon as settlement of New South Wales began, in
1788, reports of the “new” country were sent back to England. The public was
interested not in the routine of convict life but in the details of strange new
flora and fauna. Nineteenth century Australian poetry In the colony itself there was little time for any other than
practical considerations. Early publications were dominated by reports of new
lands and rivers, journeys of exploration, summaries of what had so far been
discovered in the “new” continent. Nineteenth century Australian poetry Yet there were some who attempted to
interpret their experience as best they could. There were early expressions of
local pride by those born in the colony, such as the poets Charles Tompson and
William Wentworth in Australasia (1823), but those who were serving a tour of
duty in the Antipodes, like the unfortunately named Barron Field, were more
inclined to see their experiences in terms of disbelief, sometimes comic
disbelief. Field’s First Fruits of Australian Poetry (1819) was the first
volume of poetry published in Australia. Nineteenth century Australian poetry Those who were likely to spend a much
longer term in New South Wales, as the colony was then known, expressed a
profound nostalgia for “home.” The sense of exile was keenly felt by the
anonymous composers of convict songs and bush ballads alike. Nineteenth century Australian poetry The prose writers
exhibited the inquiring mind of the 18th century; a scientific interest in the
novelties of the new world and their perception of man as a social being show
that, while the Romantic movement was under way in Europe, early Australia was
essentially fostered by the Enlightenment. Watkin Tench’s A Narrative of the
Expedition to Botany Bay (1789) and its sequel, A Complete Account of the
Settlement at Port Jackson (1793), were immediately popular in Europe. Matthew
Flinders’s A Voyage to Terra Australis (1814) is another example of this
engaging literature of discovery.
Nineteenth century Australian poetry: Yet touches of the Romantics arrived speedily enough. By
mid-century Charles Harpur, the child of ex-convicts, was writing rugged,
well-sustained poems that were responsive to the landscape in the manner of
William Wordsworth. In other poems he imitated the idealism of Percy Bysshe
Shelley. Harpur also had made a careful study of Emersonian ideas. But his
poetry and prose were not easily available beyond their occasional appearance
in the colonial press, and only in modern times has a proper estimation of his
work been undertaken. A collection of his poems, Poems by Charles Harpur, was
published in 1883.
Nineteenth century Australian poetry: Adam Lindsay Gordon was a much more popular poet. “The Sick
Stockrider” from his Bush Ballads and Galloping Rhymes (1870) was a general
favourite, much admired and much recited. It conveyed a sense of comradeship,
mapped a world by a bushman’s kind of detail, and exhibited a stoic sentimentalism
that was exactly to colonial taste. Henry Kendall, a poet of forests and
mountain streams, specialized in more mournful effects. As his is a poetry of
sound and description rather than of action (as clearly evinced in his volume
Leaves from Australian Forests [1869]), it is not always clear that he was
wrestling with some broadly transcendentalist notions. The first Australian
novel, Henry Savery’s Quintus Servinton, was published in 1831. It is strongly
autobiographical, and its convict theme amounts to special pleading. But it
does not emphasize the exotic possibilities of its Australian scenes. James
Tucker’s Ralph Rashleigh; or, The Life of an Exile (written in 1844; published
in an edited version in 1929 and in its original text in 1952), on the other
hand, makes use of all the sensational opportunities at hand. It begins as a
picaresque account of low-life London and proceeds through the whole gamut of
convict life, escape, bushrangers, and life among Aboriginal peoples. One of
its most telling moments is Ralph’s panic at being lost in the bush, a theme
that compelled many colonial writers and painters.
Nineteenth century Australian poetry: The first widely known novel of Australia was Recollections
of Geoffry Hamlyn (1859) by Henry Kingsley, brother of Charles Kingsley. When
the action at last moves from Devon to Australia, the story transposes into
heroic romance, and it too manages to incorporate the sensational possibilities
of the colonial experience: bushrangers and bushfires, floods and hostile
Aboriginal peoples, the tragic outcome of being lost in the bush, cattle
branding and horse galloping, and a fortune earned. Catherine Helen Spence’s
Clara Morison (1854) details with a nice sense of irony the social
preoccupations of Adelaide in the mid-19th century, but it was not a well-known
Nineteenth century Australian poetry: Marcus Clarke’s His Natural Life (1874; the antecedent
phrase For the Term of was inserted without authority after his death) is the
first novel regarded as an Australian classic. It is a powerful account of the
convict experience, drawing heavily on documentary sources. Within the rigours
and perversions of the convict system, another social system forms itself and
establishes its own code. But beyond the horrors and the brutality, there is a
compensating moral theme, that of goodness recognized. Clarke uses his
Australian material to approach universal values. Both Clarke and Rolf
Boldrewood (pseudonym of Thomas Alexander Browne) initially published their
fiction in serial installments in colonial magazines such as the Australian
Journal and The Sydney Mail. Boldrewood’s Robbery Under Arms (1888) was
immensely popular, and it too achieved classic status. Of particular interest
is the Australian vernacular in which the narrator, Dick Marston, presents his
confession of his part in gang activity. Boldrewood also articulates the
sentimental, stoic resignation that colonial Australians seemed to favour.
Other novelists who had established themselves by the late 1800s were Rosa
Praed—her Policy and Passion (1881) is an interesting account of the personal life
of a Queensland politician—and the prolific Ada Cambridge.
Nineteenth century Australian poetry: Not to be forgotten in any account of the first hundred
years are the published journals of the explorers. Not only were their
discoveries of widespread interest, but many of them—including Charles Sturt,
Edward John Eyre, and Sir Thomas Livingstone Mitchell—were accomplished
writers. Eyre’s account of his struggle around the Great Australian Bight (a
wide embayment of the Indian Ocean) inspired the Australian novelist Patrick
White in writing Voss (1957), although White modeled that novel in part on the
experiences of Ludwig Leichhardt, explorer and naturalist who in the 1840s led
a dangerous expedition through interior Australia that resulted in the
discovery of many sites suitable for settlement.
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