Modernist & Post Modernist Literature | M.A Entrance | UGC NET

Explain Modernist & Post Modernist Literature

Modernism and postmodernism are two erudite movements that took place in the late 19th and 20th century. Modernism is the deliberate break from the traditional form of poetry and prose that took place in the late 19th and early 20th century. Modernist & Post Modernist Literature | M.A Entrance | UGC NET Postmodernism, a movement that began in the medial 20th century, is frequently described as a response against euphemism. The main difference between euphemism and postmodernism is that euphemism is characterized by the radical break from the traditional forms of prose and verse whereas postmodernism is characterized by the tone-conscious use of earlier styles and conventions.

 Euphemism is a movement in literature that took place during late 19th and early 20th centuries, substantially in North America and Europe. Modernism marks a strong and deliberate break from the traditional styles of prose and poetry. Modernist & Post Modernist Literature | M.A Entrance | UGC NET The horrors of the First World War and the changing ideas about reality developed by prominent numbers similar as Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx,etc. illustrated the need for the prevailing hypotheticals about the society to be reassessed.

 Ultramodernists experimented with new forms and styles. Irony, lampoon, sluice-of- knowledge, interior harangue, use of multiple points-of- view, and comparison were popular erudite ways in the modernist literature. Modernist & Post Modernist Literature | M.A Entrance | UGC NET Championship of the individual and festivity of inner strength, disaffection, loss, and despair were common themes of the movement. The idea of reality passed a major change during this movement. Modernist & Post Modernist Literature | M.A Entrance | UGC NET The reality was seen as a constructed fabrication since ultramodernists believed that the reality is created in the act of perceiving it; principally, they believed that the world is what we say it is.

Modernist & Post Modernist Literature | M.A Entrance | UGC NET

D.H. Lawrence, Virginia Wolf, James Joyce,W.B Incentive, Sylvia Plath,F. Scott Fitzgerald, William Faulkner, and Ernest Hemingway are some notable modern authors. Modernist & Post Modernist Literature | M.A Entrance | UGC NET James Joyce’s Ulysses, Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying and Virginia Woolf’sMrs. Dalloway,T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land are some notable erudite workshop that epitomize euphemism.

Postmodernism was a response against euphemism, brought about by the disillusionment followed by the Alternate world war. Modernist & Post Modernist Literature | M.A Entrance | UGC NET Postmodernism is characterized by the deliberate use of earlier styles and conventions, a mixing of different cultural styles and media, and a general mistrust of propositions. It can be seen as a radical break from euphemism when we look at some unique features of postmodernism. Some of these features include,

. The generalities of euphemism and postmodernism are considered to be fashionable generalities that meet in a plenitude of literature. Modernist & Post Modernist Literature | M.A Entrance | UGC NET Rather than avoiding to explore these generalizations labeling them as extensively batted buzzwords this composition will examine the silhouettes of the mentioned terms because pertaining to those generalities helps to identify in what kind of world we live – ultramodern or postmodern or whether this question is applicable and does it add a value to our understanding of the world and perception of reality.

 In the scholarly literature euphemism and postmodernism may be appertained as two propositions, ages, movements, tendencies, worldviews or particular styles and are used in the environment of literature, trades, armature, gospel and social lores. Explain Modernist & Post Modernist Literature We'll hereafter comparatively examine euphemism and postmodernism and bandy the generalities principally from two opposing perspectives. We'll apply the results of the analysis in the environment of trades. This discussion will give the compendiums an occasion to latterly come up with their own conclusions what's ultramodern and what's postmodern art.

 Modernism-postmodernism debate surfaced as a result of two crucial papers written by German champion Jürgen Habermas and French champion Jean-François Lyotard. Explain Modernist & Post Modernist Literature The theses of these authors serve as the fundamentals for the discussion in the current composition, forasmuch as these authors initiated the formerly mentioned debate ( developed by other authors latterly on as well) heavily stressing on trades and using it for substantiating their arguments.


 The idea of modernism/ postmodernism is nearly related to Enlightenment. Explain Modernist & Post Modernist Literature Both are responding to the problems surfaced in the result of Enlightenment. Let us unfold on this theme for understanding the problems that modernism and postmodernism deal with.

 According to Kant Enlightenment was the man’s (or subject’s) emergence from his tone- assessed childhood. Explain Modernist & Post Modernist Literature It unveiled man’s courage to use his reason without guidance of another. Kant posits that there are restrictions on mortal freedom everyplace and public use of logic can liberate men and bring enlightenment among them.

 The abecedarian principles of Enlightenment were logic, empirical scientific knowledge and rationality. Explain Modernist & Post Modernist Literature It was an attempt to overcome prejudices, myths, narratives, knowledge sacralization, religious do gmas and traditions of the former periods. It aimed to make mortal logic the main tool in managing mortal affairs which was believed to lead to mortal progress, growth and advancement.

 Then the question arises whether emancipation and maturity are possible or whether the design of Enlightenment is a new kind of myth, another legend or narrative. Explain Modernist & Post Modernist Literature The shocks of World Wars, nuclear bombings and genocides shaped deep distrust towards mortal perfectibility, knowledge and liberation questioning its possibility. Still, the return to tradition, God’s verity andpre-Enlightenment values is no longer a feasible option.

 Modernism-postmodernism debate

 Enlightenment gave birth to isolation between morality (e.g. legal practice), wisdom ( knowledge) and art which as Max Weber calls is the rationalism of Western culture. As a result of this division, connections between colorful disciplines faded. This generated professionalized treatment of special disciplines and detachment of these spheres from life and tradition. This created the so called expert culture. Explain Modernist & Post Modernist Literature Now scientific knowledge, legal and moral practice, cultural product and art review are institutionalized within separate systems and are the enterprises of experts, not the public. This detachment incited to “ sublate” the expert societies. One of the exemplifications of this kind of action may be the performance art which frequently tries to restore the relationship between the artist and the followership by involving the ultimate in the performance.

 As a consequence of the mentioned isolation, the design of the autonomy of the aesthetic sphere started in the medial 19th century. The generality of art for the sake of art came into being, so art came a specific sphere of exertion. This made art remote from life. Explain Modernist & Post Modernist Literature And the more this tendency deepens the more art becomes isolated and the more delicate or indeed insolvable it becomes to attune. This creates pain which is reflected in the tedium of the so called Parisian outlanders.

“ All attempts to bridge the disjunction between art and life, fabrication and praxis, vision and reality, and to exclude the distinction between cultural product and objects of mileage, between commodity produced and commodity plant, the attempt to declare everything an art and everybody an artist, to abolish all criteria and to equate aesthetic judgments with the expression of private experience all these undertakings are nonsense trials. Explain Modernist & Post Modernist Literature They only succeed against their own intention, in illuminating indeed more sprucely the very structures of art which they had intended to violate”. According to Habermas these undertakings are false sublimation exercised by neoconservatives – postmodernists. He needed from aesthetics and trades to make a difference. In fact, he was controversially censuring trials but drinking change timber. This means that for Habermas ultramodern was considered the art which was deliberately innovative, with an aspiration to challenge and change the reality. Habermas’s result resacrilizises art portraying it as a means for liberation which is relatively analogous to religious experience.

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