Feminism Is for everyone Summary
Feminism Is for everyone Summary The feminism may have began with strong anti-male sentiment, but that was in reaction to men controlling nearly every aspect of women’s lives. But contemporary feminism has evolved to maneuver faraway from that short-sighted attitude into something broader: “The threat, the enemy, is sexist thought and behavior,” hooks writes.
‘Feminism is for Everybody’ may be a short, concise manual about feminism. What it's and what it isn’t, and answers the question on how can feminism and feminist thinking can bring an end to sexism, sexist exploitation and oppression. The strength of this book lies in hook’s power to expand the definition of feminism, and turning the feminist mirror onto her readers before her readers can turn it to the greater world.
Feminism Is for everyone Summary Hook calls the present state
of mainstream feminism “lifestyle feminism.”
“Lifestyle feminism ushered within the notion that there
might be as many versions of feminism as there have been women… this manner of
thinking has made feminism more acceptable because its underlying assumption is
that ladies are often feminists without fundamentally challenging and changing
themselves or the culture.”
Up until I read this book, i used to be a life-style
feminist. I’m pro-choice and believe equal buy equal work, but my feminist
thinking stopped there.
And while these are important policies for the feminism ,
hooks helped me understand that the guts of the movement isn’t politics, but
raising consciousness.
Feminism Is for everyone Summary - Hooks argues that it’s
impossible to use feminism to combat sexism within the world if you don’t first
use it to combat sexism in yourself.
“Females of all ages acted as if concern for or rage at male
domination or gender equality was all that was needed to form one a ‘feminist.’
Without confronting internalized sexism women who picked up the feminist banner
often betrayed the cause in their interactions with other women,” she writes.
“Needless to mention such thinking has undermined feminist theory and practice,
feminist politics.”
Challenging your own biases isn't a cushty thing to try to to
, and may be a monumental effort to undertake alone or in homogenous groups,
because you don’t know what you don’t know.
The feminism that i do know is extremely white and
privileged. I specialise in equal buy equal work and a woman’s right to settle
on to possess an abortion. But feminism doesn’t always appear as if that.
In lower socio-economic circles, feminism can focus less on
abortion rights and more on sex education and access to safe contraception ,
both things many of my friends and that i have already got access to or have
For blue-collar women who need to work to form a living but
also are responsible of taking care of the house , feminism are often less
about equal pay and more about evenly splitting household duties like cleaning
and child care between them and their partners. Hooks argues that each aspect
of life can have a feminist point of view, from fashion and makeup to
literature and education, race and gender to religion and parenting. And it’s
up to feminists to cross gender and socio-economic boundaries to find out
what’s best for everybody , not just our own individual groups.
Feminism Is for everyone Summary - So whether you already consider yourself a
feminist, or you’re on the fence about feminism, otherwise you want to vary how
you think that about feminism, hooks will definitely have something to mention
for you.
The book Feminism Is for Everybody: Passionate Politics by critic, academic and writer Bell Hooks is described by the author as a primer, a handbook, even “a dream come true” (ix). within the Introduction to the book, Hooks describes her labor of affection in scripting this brief guide to feminism, and she or he employs a concise style that doesn't waver from her goal of teaching readers about the basics of feminism. This book is that the product of the various conversations Bell Hooks has had with men and ladies who ask her the elemental question: “what is feminism?” (xii) in short , Hooks explains, at the beginning of the book and again at the top in its concluding chapter, that “feminism may be a movement to finish sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression” (xii).
In the preface to the remake of Feminism Is for everyone , Hooks addresses the matter of educational jargon that afflicts many feminist texts available to readers who want to find out more about feminism. She describes “fe[eling] that somehow the movement had failed if we couldn't communicate feminist politics to everyone” (ix). this sense inspired Hooks to “write a simple to read book that might explain feminist thinking and encourage folks to embrace feminist politics” (ix).
Hooks chooses to write down within the person throughout the
book, blending first-person singular with first-person plural to interact
readers with a conversational tone. The first-person voice gives Hooks’ writing
a natural feel when she incorporates anecdotes and memories into her writing
alongside the small print and facts that specify the history of feminism. Her
style and tone are straightforward, to best meet the requirements of a
readership who “have been socialized from birth on to simply accept sexist
thought and action” (xii). Hooks is aware that this readership includes men and
ladies , debunking the parable that feminism may be a movement “for women
against men” (xiii) even while discussing challenging and sometimes
controversial topics.
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