MPCE 011 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Solved Assignment 2020-21 , MPCE 011 Solved Assignment 2020-21, MPCE 011 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Solved Assignment 2020-21, MPCE 011 Assignment, IGNOU Assignments 2020-21- Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of the present session for MPS Programme for the year 2020-21. MPCE 011 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Solved Assignment 2020-21 Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this webpage itself. MPCE 011 Solved Assignment 2020-21 They don’t got to go anywhere else when everything regarding the Assignments are available during this article only.
Candidates got to download the IGNOU Assignments for
appearing within the Term End Examination [TEE] of IGNOU MPS Programme.
For Students – MPCE 011 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Solved Assignment
2020-21 Students are advised that after successfully downloading their
Assignments, you'll find each and each course assignments of your downloaded
MPS Programme. MPCE 011 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Solved Assignment 2020-21 Candidates
need to create separate assignment for the IGNOU Master Course, in order that
it's easy for Evaluators to see your assignments.
MPCE 011 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Solved Assignment 2020-21
Answer the following questions in
1000 words each. 3 x 15 = 45 marks
1. Define and explain pervasive developmental disorders.
2. Discuss the etiology and treatment of panic disorder.
3. Explain the clinical features, causes and treatment of borderline personality disorder.
Answer the following questions in 400
words each. 5 x 5 = 25 marks
1. Discuss the causes of intellectual disability (mental retardation).
2. Describe the prevention and treatment of post traumatic stress disorder.
3. Explain the symptoms of bipolar disorder highlighting the features of different episode.
4. Discuss the treatment for schizophrenia.
5. Differentiate between substance induced psychotic disorder and other psychotic disorders.
Answer the following questions in 50
words each. 10 x 3 = 30 marks
1. Dysthymic disorder
2. Seasonal affective disorder
3. Delusions
4. Positive symptoms and negative symptoms
5. Diagnostic features of histrionic personality disorder
6. Pain disorder
7. Mild mental retardation
8. Dissociative fugue
9. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
10. Post partum depression
IGNOU Assignment Status 2020-21
MPCE 011 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Solved Assignment 2020-21 Those
students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated
study centres can now check their Assignment Status. MPCE 011 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY
Solved Assignment 2020-21 Alongside assignment status, they will also checkout
their assignment marks & result. All this is often available in a web mode.
After submitting the assignment, you'll check you IGNOU Assignment Status only
after 3-4 weeks. it'd take 40 days to declare.
Here the scholars can check their IGNOU Assignment Status
2020, marks, result or both the sessions i.e; June & December.
MPCE 011 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Solved Assignment 2020-21 Once the
TEE assignments are submitted to the Centres, it's send to the evaluation
department. MPCE 011 Solved Assignment
2020-21 After which the evaluation of IGNOU Assignment Solutions takes place.
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