Global Carbon Cycle

Global Carbon Cycle 

Global Carbon Cycle, This is essentially a carbon cycle but within the sea. Ecologically, oceans absorb more carbon than it gives out. Hence, it's called a “carbon sink.” Marine animals convert carbon to carbonate and this forms the raw building materials require to make hard shells, almost like those found in clams and oysters. Global Carbon Cycle, When organisms with carbonate shells die, their body decomposes, leaving their hard shells. These accumulate on the seafloor and are eventually weakened by the waves and compacted under enormous pressure, forming limestone. When these limestone rocks are exposed to air, they get weathered and therefore the carbon is released back to the atmosphere as CO2 .

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Global Carbon Cycle, The carbon cycle is that the process during which carbon travels from the atmosphere into organisms and therefore the Earth then back to the atmosphere. Plants take CO2 from the air and use it to form food. Global Carbon Cycle, Animals then eat the food and carbon is stored in their bodies or released as CO2 through respiration.

Global Carbon Cycle, This is essentially a carbon cycle but within the sea. Ecologically, oceans absorb more carbon than it gives out. Hence, it's called a “carbon sink.” Global Carbon Cycle, Marine animals convert carbon to carbonate and this forms the raw building materials require to make hard shells, almost like those found in clams and oysters.

Global Carbon Cycle, When organisms with carbonate shells die, their body decomposes, leaving their hard shells. These accumulate on the seafloor and are eventually weakened by the waves and compacted under enormous pressure, forming limestone.


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