Significance of Malgudi in RK Narayan’s novels

 Significance of Malgudi in 

RK Narayan’s novels

Malgudi in RK Narayan’s novels, All of Narayan's novels and most of his short stories, too, have an Imaginary village of Malgudi for his or her locale. it's an old, shabby and peaceful tow n, and is seemingly unruffled by p o litics.

Malgudi in RK Narayan’s novels, The people that in h ab it It are simple, sincere, absurd, and scheming, beat o n e. they need much In common: their social station , their pride of caste, and their petty quarrels. they're re a l, real a s men and ladies in actual life are.

Significance of Malgudi in   RK Narayan’s novels

Malgudi in RK Narayan’s novels, On the one hand, they need their custom s and traditions which they dare not disregard; on the opposite , the co n tact with the alien oiementsh as brought such ideas as don't fit into the tradition al pattern of social organization , and hence the confusion.

Malgudi in RK Narayan’s novels, it's quite uncomfortable situation during which h is Sampaths and Margayyas find themselves. Narayan 1 no modernist; nor does he advocate the turning back of the whools of your time . He believes within the value of a liv in g tradition, and he refuses to be blown off his feet by the surface winds.

Malgudi in RK Narayan’s novels, Unlike another contemporary n o v e lists (for example, Mulk Raj Anand), Narayan doesn't belong to any particular lite rary or philosophical clique , nor has he Introduced any ismsin to his novels.


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