The Prominent Classical Sanskrit Playwrights

 The Prominent Classical Sanskrit Playwrights

Prominent Classical Sankrit, All literature in Sanskrit is assessed into Drishya (that are often seen or exhibited) and therefore the Shravya (that are often heard or recited). While poetry altogether forms are often said to fall into Shravya category; and dramacomes under the Drishya form. Prominent Classical Sankrit, Drama in Sanskrit literature is roofed under the broad umbrella of ‘Rupaka’ which suggests depiction of life in its various aspects represented in forms by actors who assume various roles.

some of the prominent Classical Sanskrit playwrights and attempt a critical analysis of their works

Prominent Classical Sankrit, A rupaka has ten classifications of which ‘Nataka’ (drama), the foremost important one, has come to mean all dramatic presentations. The Sanskrit drama grows around three primary constituents namely Vastu (plot), Neta (hero), and Rasa (sentiment). Prominent Classical Sankrit, The plot might be either principal (adhikarika), or accessory (prasangika). the previous concerns the first characters of the theme and pervades the whole play. The later serves to the further and supplement the most topic and relates to subordinate characters aside from the chief ones. The Neta ( hero), consistent with the definition prescribed by Natyashashtra, is usually depicted as modest (vineeta), sweet tempered (madhura), sacrificing (tyagi), capable (daksha), civil in talk (priyamvada), belonging to noble family (taptaloka), pure (suchi), articulate (vagmi), consistent (sthera), young (yuva), endowed with intellect (buddhi), enthusiasm (utsaha), good memory (smrthi), strong (dridha), energetic (tejaswi), learned (pandita) and pious (dharmic).

Prominent Classical Sankrit, Overall, the hero in sanskrit drama falls within the category of ‘Dheerodatta’ which suggests a hero who is brave and stylish at any time in every situation. Prominent Classical Sankrit, Sage Bharata was an ancient Indian musicologist and worldwide popular as an author of ‘Natya Shastra’, a theoretical treatise on ancient Indian dramaturgy and histrionics dated between roughly 400 B.C. and 200 B.C. Prominent Classical Sankrit, there's a legend regarding Sage Bharata and his treatise ‘Natya Shastra’ that when Gods asked Brahma to make a Veda that would be understood by commoners, sothat Brahma created the ‘Panchamaveda’ (fifth veda) called ‘Natya Veda’.

Prominent Classical Sankrit, Drawing pathya (words) from the Rig Veda, abhinaya (gesture) from the Yajurveda, geet (music) from Samaveda and rasa (sentiment and emotion) from Atharvaveda, he synthesized Natya Veda. After creating Natya Veda, Brahma asked sage Bharata to popularize it on earth. Prominent Classical Sankrit, Thus ‘Natya Shastra’ came into existence as a concrete foundation of Indian drama tradition Bharata composed ‘Natya Shastra’ approximately within the third century, originally written in Sanskrit consisting 6000 sutras or verse stanzas incorporated in 36 chapters. Prominent Classical Sankrit, The title are often loosely translated as ‘A Compendium of theatre or a manual of Dramatic art’. The ‘Natya Shastra’ legend indicates an intimate relation between the thought of dancing and dramatic representation.

Prominent Classical Sankrit, consistent with Bharata, poetry, dance and mime in life’s play produce emotion but only drama produces flavor (Rasa). The drama uses the eight basic emotions of affection , joy, anger, sadness, pride, fear, aversion, and wonder attempting to resolve them within the ninth holistic feeling of peace. Prominent Classical Sankrit, Thus, when the dramaturgy was well comprehended, the ‘Natya Veda’ was performed on the occasion of the celebration of Lord Indra’s victory over the ‘Assuras’ and ‘Danavas’. Many scholars tried their hand in comparing Aristotle with Sage Bharata. Their study reveals that the western theory of drama derives from Aristotle’s ‘Poetics’. Prominent Classical Sankrit, His theory of drama can more properly be called the idea of tragedy, peculiarly, a Greek concept. On the opposite hand, Bharata’s conception of drama is predicated on the Indian theory of ‘Karma’. consistent with this theory, man isn't just the play thing within the hands of fate but the architect of his own destiny. Prominent Classical Sankrit, His fate is decided by his own actions. Obviously there's a fundamental difference between Aristotle and Sage Bharata, which determines the various approach to drama, which is western and Indian. Nevertheless, Sanskrit drama, in its long and checkered history, has throughout conformed to those classical norms prescribed by Bharata in his famous treatise ‘Natya Shastra’. 

Prominent Classical Sankrit, the simplest Sanskrit drama had been intimately related to stir and manifoldness of the lifetime of a cultured class of individuals like Sage Bharata. Prominent Classical Sankrit, an equivalent tradition continued by other prominent scholars such as- Bhasa, Shudraka, Kalidasa, Harsha, Bhavbhutiand Vishakadutta and their creative Sanskrit works are the merchandise of vigorous creative energy also as sustained technical excellence. Prominent Classical Sankrit, Another prominent Sanskrit playwright was Bhasa, who is that the oldest known dramatist, may need flourished a while between 500 B.C. to 50 B.C. a period certainly before that of a celebrated grammarian Panini. Prominent Classical Sankrit, Thirty-five plays are to be said written by him, but only thirteen plays are in record at the present . Bhāsa doesn't follow all the dictates of the Natya Shastra. This has been taken as a symbol of their antiquity; no post-Kālidāsan play has been found to interrupt the principles of the ‘Natya Shastra'. Prominent Classical Sankrit, Bhāsa allows scenes that contain signs of physical violence to be shown on stage in plays like Urubhanga. this is often strictly frowned upon by Natya Shastra.


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