MEG 05 LITERARY CRITICISM AND THEORY Question Paper December 2017



Question Paper December 2017


Time : 3 hours                                                                                   Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Why does Plato declare the role of the poet as subversive ?

2. What does Wordsworth think of the distinction between the language of prose and metrical composition ?

3. Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) Tragic Hero

(b) Hamartia

(c) Sphota

(d) Alamkara

(e) Sruti

(f) Objective Correlative

4. Discuss the ideas expressed by Cleanth Brooks in his essay "Irony as a Principle of Structure".

5. Write a critical note on the essentials of Marxist literary theory OR Freudian psychoanalysis.

6. Comment on the significance of the title The Second Sex.

7. Why does Derrida resist definitions ? Give reasons for your answer.  

8. What is Raymond Williams' contribution to Cultural Studies ?

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