Compare and contrast the position of Human Rights in India and China


India and China are two of the oldest and still extant civilizations. For Europeans, they were legendary seats of immense wealth and wisdom right up to the eighteenth century. Somewhere between the mid-eighteenth century and early nineteenth centuries, both these countries became, within the European eyes, bywords for stagnant, archaic, weak nations. For China, this happened between the adulation of Voltaire and therefore the cooler judgment of Montesquieu; in India’s case, it had been the contrast between Sir William Jones’s desire to find out things Indian and James Mill’s dismissal of Indian history as nothing but darkness. Position of Human Rights in India and China Twentieth century brought nothing but a deepening of the perception of the 2 countries as bywords for misery and therefore the perceptions weren't too far behind actual conditions of the 2 countries. For one thing they were and remain the 2 most populous countries. In 1820, that they had a combined population in more than half a billion and by 1900, 700 million. Within the 20 th century, their population had trebled. But they were also two of the poorest countries, typically thought of as locations of famine, disease, backwardness and superstition, of girls with bound feet and men with long pony tails, untouchables beyond the pale and myriads of gods with many heads and limbs. In mid-twentieth century, particularly within the 1960’s, the fortunes of those two countries appeared to have reached their nadir. They were independent republics supposedly launched on their path of development, but both suffered devastating famines.

China’s famine was hidden, perhaps more from China’s own ruling classes than from its people or the planet , but it had followed swiftly upon the debacle of Great breakthrough , a memorable piece of politics by fantasy. India’s double harvest failure in 1965 and 1966 brought India to its proverbial knees in terms of policy and dependence on US food aid. Position of Human Rights in India and China These two countries were “basket cases“ within the then fashionable terms of international diplomacy. Within the subsequent forty years we are discussing China and India not as failures nor for his or her ancient wisdoms, but as dynamic modern economies.
The Economist has got to write editorials to inform the planet to not be scared of China’s economic power. American legislators pass laws to stop their businesses outsourcing work to India’s software and telecommunication services. China ranks because the second largest economy in terms of GDP in PPP dollars. Together the 2 countries account for 19.2 % of world GDP- China 11.5% and India 7.7%. this is often still below their share of world population 37.5%- with China 21% and India 16.5%.


Position of Human Rights in India and China While both India and China have an extended history, their histories are very different. China has been by and enormous a stable, centrally run state through its history with limited periods of instability and lack of one authority. India’s history has been precisely the reverse. The periods when one King or political authority ruled over even the main a part of India’s territory are often counted on fingers of 1 hand. In China’s case there was a deep desire for unification of the country as a drive of nationalism within the 20th century. Position of Human Rights in India and China But it had been called reunification. Thus at the onset of war II, China was divided and Jonathan Spence expresses the drive for nationalists as follows “The solidification of such a gaggle of latest states would return China to things that had prevailed before the Qin conquests of 221 B.C., during the so-called Warring States period when ten major regimes controlled the country among them; or it'd bring a recurrence of the shifting patterns of authority and alliances that typified China’s history from the third to sixth century A.D., and again from tenth to the thirteenth.”
In India’s case there never was any authority which has ruled over all of India; indeed not even British or maybe this Indian government. India has been a thought in world culture for millennia, but its borders are fixed only within the late 19th century sometime after British gave abreast of Afghanistan and drew the Durand line. Kings have ruled over much of North India- the Maurya and Gupta dynasties just before and after the BC/AD division. The Mughals might be said to possess ruled over much of India between the years of Akbar’s maturity in 1570 and Aurangzeb’s death in 1707.

Their empire extended to Kabul but didn't absorb all of South India. British might be said to possess ruled over two thirds of India between 1857 and 1947, with the remaining third with native princes under their paramountcy but not direct rule. In 1947 India was partitioned and thus even what's now called India isn't what Nehru in 1946 wrote about in his the invention of India. Indian system of kingly power wasn't such a lot sort of a pyramid, but sort of a multi-tiered cake. it had been flatter and while there was a top and a bottom plus layers in between, the facility of the highest king over his vassals below wasn't absolute. Loyalty though owed by the lower tiers to the highest , was always negotiable and there had to be some give and take. [Inden (1999)] British were perhaps the primary rulers to undertake a more absolute and hierarchical data structure of power under the limitation of oversight by a democratic Parliament back in London. Yet in one sense it had been British rule which gave India its definitive territorial extent, fixed its boundaries and gave it a structure of provinces and central government with an administrative ‘steel frame’. British gave India their language which facilitates even today India’s access to global markets as do the system of property rights and western orientation of its elite.


Position of Human Rights in India and China Both India and China were a highly urban civilization by the 18th century, though in fact the majority of the population lived in rural areas.. China was much advanced in science and technology, with gunpowder, printing, paper and paper money as its inventions. China’s scientific and technological achievements are known to us because of the monumental efforts of Joseph Needham. India was known for its mathematics and its philosophy. Position of Human Rights in India and China The Chinese gave the planet the wheelbarrow and bureaucracy; India gave the planet the zero, decimals and Buddhism. Both were major exporters of fine textiles, silks and muslins; their ships sailed round the world and indeed dominated the seas till 1500. then the Chinese withdrew from the seas and while the Indians continued, the powers that be in Delhi or Agra had no need for a navy. it had been the kingdoms in South India which were maritime adventurers. As they declined in power under the Mughals, Indian shipping began to be conducted increasingly on a personal basis instead of a state sponsored one.
The control of the seas passed to a series of Western European countries. Yet the 2 countries remained economically vibrant till the late 18th century. China had a better productivity in its agriculture, the iron tipped plough having been in use a minimum of half a millennium before it made its appearance in India. Position of Human Rights in India and China Thus Needham attributes the animal drawn plough to the amount of the Warring states, while Habib says that the iron plough came to India within the first century AD. Chinese irrigation systems were bigger and better than any in India a notion begotten by Wittfogel from Marx and Engels’s Asiatic Mode of Production, was alleged to be good at hydraulic projects.

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